Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Historic Primary Ends... Dems Pick Far Left Inexperienced Black Candidate with Islamic-Marxist Roots

Oh... And, his preacher-mentor-father figure is a black liberation theologian who hates America and whitey.

On a year when the presidency was being offered to them on a silver platter...
After 54 hard-fought contests, they just nominated the weakest candidate.
Congratulations Democrats!

Hope and Change wins out...

(Messiah Watching America- Abe Obama- Ace)

Sweet... Obama just offered his speech tonight to his ailing white grandmother under the bus in Hawaii.
He must think he needs her now that the primary is over.

Tonight Barack Obama accepts the Democratic Party's nomination.
Barack Obama lost South Dakota tonight but the party superdelegates put him over the top.
Obama's Speech from the Minnesota Convention Center, June 3, 2008, is already posted via Drudge Report.
Here are a few lines:

I can stand before you and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.

I want to thank every American who stood with us over the course of this campaign -- through the good days and the bad; from the snows of Cedar Rapids to the sunshine of Sioux Falls. And tonight I also want to thank the men and woman who took this journey with me as fellow candidates for President.

At this defining moment for our nation, we should be proud that our party put forth one of the most talented, qualified field of individuals ever to run for this office. I have not just competed with them as rivals, I have learned from them as friends, as public servants, and as patriots who love America and are willing to work tirelessly to make this country better. They are leaders of this party, and leaders that America will turn to for years to come.

That is particularly true for the candidate who has traveled further on this journey than anyone else. Senator Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign not just because she's a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she's a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight.

We've certainly had our differences over the last sixteen months. But as someone who's shared a stage with her many times, I can tell you that what gets Hillary Clinton up in the morning -- even in the face of tough odds -- is exactly what sent her and Bill Clinton to sign up for their first campaign in Texas all those years ago; what sent her to work at the Children's Defense Fund and made her fight for health care as First Lady; what led her to the United States Senate and fueled her barrier-breaking campaign for the presidency -- an unyielding desire to improve the lives of ordinary Americans, no matter how difficult the fight may be. And you can rest assured that when we finally win the battle for universal health care in this country (and we will win that battle), she will be central to that victory. When we transform our energy policy and lift our children out of poverty, it will be because she worked to help make it happen. Our party and our country are better off because of her, and I am a better candidate for having had the honor to compete with Hillary Rodham Clinton...

What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge, and patriotism as a bludgeon—that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to demonize.
Blah... Blah... Blah...
There is more here.

Read the rest- It's pure snake oil.
God bless America.

UPDATE: Obama gaffed on the number of primary contests- It was 56 not 54.
Here's another Obama gaffe from his speech.

Michelle Malkin offers a video of what Republicans can expect for the next 5 months.
Glenn Reynolds has a roundup.
Let Freedom Ring has more on McCain's speech.

UPDATE 2: Joshua offers this to Democrats on this historic night--

Your party is about to deliver a Communist supported, Marxist supported, Racist supported candidate for the general election. The fact that you can be proud of this speaks loudly just how low the Democrat party has sunk.

None of us fear what may happen. We are simply the Watchers on the Wall warning the people. People once fell for the fiery oratory of another socialist zealot in the past too. He changed history forever as well. His arrogance much like your candidate. He was bitter, anti-semite who played on the emotions of people to hate business.

The only difference this time around is your candidate put a mask on and turned his anti-semite stances off to get elected. But he remained at an anti-semite church for 20 years.

Stand for him all you want. But he will only bring disaster to this country and around the world for free nations. Every single tyrant from Iran to Venezuela will rejoice if he wins.

If this is what you truly live for then why not move to Cuba?


  1. ++

    lol.. i tried, but i just can't read it.. between Obama rantings & listening to Hitlery go on & on about her win, it's just too nauseating..


  2. Yep, we need universal health care because my injured granny suffered greatly when I threw her under the bus to pimp for a racist, hate mongering minister that I had to throw under the bus with her when he questioned my judgement.

    Obama is speaking right now. What is really odd is how the camera is panning the crowd to make it look like he is speaking to more people than are really there. Just one more Obama trick.

    Can there now be in any doubt in any Democrats mind that the "every vote counts" crap of 2000 was just so much hype and spin? Hillary has the popular vote but the DNC elites have chosen so the hell with the "little" people who voted.

    So there you have it. Two candidate, one RINO, one socialist, both nominated by the MSM.

    America, you're screwed.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Love that title!

    Obama is a hardcore leftwing zero accomplishment junior senator who's gotten over-promoted on his skills at the teleprompter.

    Obama offers nothing new but the same old lies of 'change' and 'hope' wrapped around a corrupt, socialist, not-ready-for-the-job, junior Senator.
    This guy is another Jimmy Carter or worse and will be a disaster as president.

    This is just the tip of that iceberg that sank Hill-tanic:
    1) Obama and Pfleger have been close friends for 20 years;

    2) Obama has given over $200,000 in earmark funds to Pfleger.

    3) Obama named Pfleger as his "moral compass" in a Chicago-Sun Times article from 2004.

    4) Pfleger was on Obama's advisor committee until 2 weeks before this sermon when he voluntarily stepped down.

  4. They don't demonize their enemies?

    Oh Puhleaze. If I had a dollar for everytime I had heard some Democrat talk about Bush and Cheney as they were Satan and his sidekick Beelzebub, I could pay off my car.

    I know McCain is not the first choice of a lot of conservatives, but for Chrisake don't sit home and let Obama win in November.

  5. Anonymous8:13 PM

    You guys are jealous.

    And McCain is gonna get his ass kicked.

    You're not ready for what's about to happen.

  6. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Suggested boffo campaign speech finales for Obama:

    1. Feed entire crowd with five organic whole-grain loaves and two non-endangered fishes.

    2. Raise Howard Dean from the dead.

    3. Turn Evian water into non-alcoholic wine.

    4. Deliver "Sermon from Mount Rushmore."

    5. Quote from Obama 3:16:

    For the Democratic Party so loved the world that it delivered its Very Clean and Articulate Bearer of Hope and Change, and that whoever campaigns for Him shall not perish but have a provisional half-vote.

  7. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Yeah, Barry promised everything, and when he finds out we can't afford it, he'll blame George Bush. That's what's going to happen. You'll learn this lesson after you get your first job, and move out of your parents house.

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Bring It,

    Why are you posting so late? It's waaaaaaaay past your bedtime.

    Your parents must be saints. I'm surprised they haven't already kicked you out of their basement and told you to grow up, buy your own f***ing computer, and get a life.

  9. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Bring it,

    Fools rush in. Your party is about to deliver a Communist supported, Marxist supported, Racist supported candidate for the general election. The fact that you can be proud of this speaks loudly just how low the Democrat party has sunk.

    None of us fear what may happen. We are simply the Watchers on the Wall warning the people. People once fell for the fiery oratory of another socialist zealot in the past too. He changed history forever as well. His arrogance much like your candidate. He was bitter, anti-semite who played on the emotions of people to hate business.

    The only difference this time around is your candidate put a mask on and turned his anti-semite stances off to get elected. But he remained at an anti-semite church for 20 years.

    Stand for him all you want. But he will only bring disaster to this country and around the world for free nations. Every single tyrant from Iran to Venezuela will rejoice if he wins.

    If this is what you truly live for then why not move to Cuba?

  10. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Childish remarks about jealous of a politician.

    One cannot be jealous of politicians in general, much less one who panders to losers and victims for more handouts.

  11. Anonymous8:34 PM


    the John 3:16 was perfect! lol!

    He is their false messiah afterall.

    LOL... In the beginning, Obama...

  12. RE: The Big 0 ...

    ... two words ...

    ... George McGovern.

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Get ready, you are going to see a lot of Liberals commenting like "Bring it". The Democrats are paying $17 hr. for Liberal shills to post comments and interupt talk radio show to defeat Republicans/Conservatives. (Per Craigs List)

    I have noticed a beginning surge of trolls over at Townhall, et al and on talk radio. Hey, it's summertime and I guess they all need jobs. LOL

  14. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Just remember guys. Neither Obama nor McCain are actually the candidates until after the conventions. Don't be completely surprised if something horribly scandelous about Obama comes up between now and August (courtesy of Hillary of course)

  15. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I just read the article at Michelle M.'s site. McCain is throwing President Bush under the bus. Not a very smart move. Rush L. talked about how dumb it would be for McCain to take on this strategy. They are both from the same Party and by golly, some of us actually like President Bush.

  16. Oh, and as for universal health care ... look at what the British are doing now:

    Rush to take GPs into private sector

    Private firms may run NHS hospitals

    Looks like the bloom's off the rose ...

  17. Anonymous8:53 PM

    ogdred, you mean that we can still get rid of McCain also? LOL

    Great post retire05

  18. We'll be hearing a lot about "Bush's Third Term" re: McCain in the following days/weeks/months.

    Be sure to remind them, though ...

    ... what they've now put up ...

    ... is Carter 2.0.

  19. ++

    Rich Casebolt @ 8:51 PM..

    not only that, but who owns these private firms, some rich Middle Easteners perhaps??


  20. Anonymous9:19 PM


    Two good comments. The UK socialist healthcare is scary. That kind of truth needs to be put out to the public.

    And Obama = Carter 2.0! Ha!

    Great Counter Message to the Obama-zombies.

  21. ++

    Rich Casebolt @ 9:07 PM..

    hate to say it, but McCain just might be the first to disown Bush via his pandering to the fools from foolsville on the traitorous left.. gah!!

    God Bless President Bush!!


  22. Watch out for the poster named terrye.

    Terrye is a troll.

    And let's be very clear here; Obama ran his first Illinois senate race with the blessings, and backing, of the New Party. An organization that was full of Marxists and members from the New Socialist Party of America.
    He also used members of the New Party as campaign workers when he was stabbing Alice Palmer in the back after Palmer helped introduce Obama to the movers and shakers of Chicago.

    But don't ever think you will see this information in the MSM. They are just too busy carrying Obama's water to make sure they dig into his past.

  23. ++

    retire05 @ 9:26 PM..

    re: [terrye is a troll.]

    why do you say that??

    i haven't read anything terrye has posted so far (and i've read a lot of terrye posts in here) indicative of a "troll"..


  24. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Did anyone catch the Barry/Shelly victory fist pound???

    Good Gawd, how farking pathetic that was, soooo lame.

    Some great Obama slogans courtesy of the peoples cube...

    "...America is the greatest country on Earth, help me change it - Obama quote..."

    "..Make your last vote count! Vote Obama!.."

    "...vote with your heart, not with your head -- vote Obama..."

    "...None out of ten racist preachers agree -- Obama in '08..."

    "...Ask not what your Country needs -- just vote Obama..."

    "...Tired of too much money and success? Then vote for CHANGE -- Obama '08..."

    "...White guilt got 'ya down? Just vote Obama and all is forgiven..."


  25. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Did anyone notice that Romney won Montana?


  26. Anonymous5:35 AM

    You need to add "non-effective" to your list of adjectives.

    This guy is trying to bring much-needed Hope and Change, but the place that needs the Hope and Change is his own Trinity church, including his own wife, both of whom have suffered from backward-looking leadership.

    What I hear in Michelle Obama's speeches is the message that women should ignore ignore the negative voices that have held them back, because the institutional bias is not there.

    The whole rest of the country, including the Federal government, got the message decades ago. That is why the 1963 Civil Rights Act (among others) was passed.

    It seems to me that the definition of an effective black politician since 1963 would be one who has shown his constituents how to make use of the tools the good people of this country have made available for the advancement of colored people.

    He did not do that. He was unable to correct the longstanding message of Trinity Church, which has discouraged black people from enjoying the fruits of our great country. Nor is there any kind of showing that he tried.

    He's not even up to the level of being ineffective.


  27. Anonymous6:37 AM

    This place reeks of fear and jealousy. Have fun cheerleading for McCain.

    Compare and contrast the 71 year old senior Senator whining to a crowd of 200 with Obama inspiring a crowd of 20,000.

    I hope you cling to your cartoonish stereotype of Obama and his supporters.

    It will prevent you from taking him seriously. You can all huddle here in the Gateway Punter Shelter for Battered Republicans.

    Hang on kiddies.

  28. Bring it.,

    Apparently you are rather clueless so I will help you out.

    Barak obama won't win, hun.


    First of all people like you have such a hard time remembering this simple fact. Neither candidate has enough pledged delegates to win, period. The superdelegates can say they are voting for Obama until they are blue in the face, it doesn't matter. The only way you are going to know who they are voting for is when they cast their ballot at the convention.

    Paul Begula was right when he said that Obama can not win with the "Dukakis coaliton" of white eggheads and blacks.


    I have been monitoring the polls for the last 90 days and there are some rather interesting things in them. Things that must scare the Democrats to death. Things that are getting worse as time goes on. Things that Barak and Michelle Obama have done nothing but exacerbate and seem to not care that they are doing so. Things that will ensure that come January Barak Obama will be the junior Senator from Illinois. The actions of the DNC last weekend essentially threw away 44 electoral votes that they will need in November and disenfranchised millions of voters.

    There is no way the MSM's 24/7 Obamafellation festival will change things, either. They are no longer the gatekeepers of information and they simply can not hide Obama's dirty laundry. Used car salesman are now considered more honest then the MSM, too.

    You will note that Hillary did not concede. There is no reason for her to. She has seen the internal poll numbers and she knows what is in Obama's steamer trunks full of dirty laundry.

    Remember the last line in her speech last night? "I want … the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard, and to no longer be invisible."

    That was a declaration of war, honey.

    It reminded me of the last scene in "The Two Towers" where Gandalf said "The battle for Helm's Deep is over, the battle for Middle Earth has begun".

  29. Anonymous7:15 AM

    54 is not a gaffe. There were no hard-fought contests in FL and MI.

  30. Obama even uses Hillary's accomplishments in his speech because he has none of his own. This guy is absolutely sickening.

    I can't wait for the debates between Obama and McCain, so I can watch Obama, repeat, uh, uh, uh....

    I'm thinking that if Obama doesn't go to Hillary to be his VP, she will turn on him. I don't even think she could actually support Obama; if anyone knows exactly who and what Obama is - it should be her. She'll sway in favour to further her career and to have a say in the matters of America, but I don't think she'll be comfortable throwing America under Obama's bus with his grandmother. Perhaps she is waiting for Michelle's 'whitey tape' to be released before making a decision to throw in the towel.

    I think it is time to switch off the popcorn maker, and order pizza.
