Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sweet Victory!... Attacks In Iraq Down 90% From Last Year

It looks like it's a done deal...
This War is Won!

A woman holds up her child and the food she received from a humanitarian assistance distribution by Iraqi police in the Zuwarijat district of al Kut, Iraq, July 3. (DVIDS)

Thanks to the leadership of President George W. Bush, Iraq is a democracy and the Middle East is a safer place.
The Defense Department announced today that attack levels are down more than 90% from a year ago in Iraq.
The US Department of Defense reported:

Since late March, when major operations began in northern, central and southern Iraq, violence and attack levels in the country have dipped to the lowest point in four years.

Attack levels are down more than 90 percent during the past year. And as Iraqi army and police units continue to mature, the coalition and Iraqi government have been able to shift more focus toward central services and other issues affecting Iraqis, according to military officials in Baghdad.

“Our efforts in conjunction with the efforts of the Iraqi security forces have been significant in reducing the number of attacks throughout the country,” Austin said. “[Iraqi security forces] have collected up a number of caches, and they’ve also conducted operations in Basra and Amarah. And as we watch that unfold, we see them take out a tremendous amount of lethal accelerants off the battlefield.”

Austin said he’s pleased with his force’s hard work, but continues to focus against finishing the fight with al-Qaida in the north and efforts against Iranian-backed “special groups criminals” in the south.

“We know that al-Qaida is a very resilient enemy, and I think we have to continue to keep the pressure on the remnants of its organization,” he said. “We also know that special groups criminal elements have left the country and have gone to Iran and other places with the intent to come back at some point. There is work to be done yet.”

Since Austin took the reins of Multinational Corps Iraq in February, the coalition’s “footprint has decreased over time,” he said. The last of the five surge brigades – the 3rd Infantry Division’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team – goes home at the end of this month, and more than 300 troops scheduled to deploy less than a month ago were turned around. Their deployment was canceled due to the recent improvements here, Austin said.

A girl clutches the milk she received from a humanitarian assistance drop performed by Iraqi police in the Zuwarijat district of al Kut, Iraq, July 3. (DVIDS)

More good news... MNF-Iraq is reporting that Iraq experienced the lowest number of acts of violence in more than four years last week.


  1. Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! Afghanistan!! /moonbat off

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thanks for posting good news. Like when you posted in 2006 that Iraq's forces would take over defense by the end of that year. That was good news, too.

  3. Hey anon ... we are determining HOW this war ends.

    That is the victor's perogative.

    Those that are obsessed over WHEN this war will end should understand that deciding WHEN the war will end is the LOSER'S perogative.

    If you are interested as to when this will end, I suggest you ask the enemy ... unless you are obsessed with losing, and therefore wish for us to determine the WHEN.

    But don't expect me to go along with the latter.

  4. does the liberal left (communists) really think that if the United States pulled out of Iraq that the people would be celebrating and recieving assistance, schools, medical servies from the terrorists or the Iranians.

    NO, the Iraq people would just become slaves under a tryant once again, they need to be shown to stand up for themselves to have a better life. They can not just have freedom handed to them, they have to earn it and respect it, and the soliders have helped them with that battle.

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    anon, 11:25

    What a moronic post. That works both ways, as in all the Democrat appeasers saying the war was lost in 2006, 2007 and 2008!


    Oh and the Democrats campaigned on letting Iraqis die and return to oppression under tyrants and terrorist.

    You moonbats really, truly care about others, don't you? So much that you would allow 25 million Iraqis return to murder, mayhem, terror and torture.

    Great Democrat Platform Slogan:

    We Demand Defeat! Can we lose? Yes We Can! And Obama can help us lose!


  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I think we can safely assume that Anonymous forgot to apply his "Dapper Dan" anal balm today.

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    What an amazing tribute to our service members who never gave up and never gave in. There are a lot of families who can be mighty proud these days of their accomplishments.

    And for those who didn't come home, their sacrifice was not in vain.

    I agree. We (the US military and the Iraqi people) have won.

    I am so proud of those troops I could just bust. General P for President.

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    We free "em to set up their own government and we will get exactly the same as Afghanis did and decide Sharia is for them,stand by for the ensuing demands of hanging/beheading/boil in oil demands when they find someone "proselytising".It took decades to change Japan and we really expect it to happen overnite in the middle east.

    M. Wilcox

  9. Wow thanks for sharing . Ok
