Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Loose Noose at Columbia University (Updated)

Symbol of Hate found on door at Columbia University.
Students are outraged at hate crime.

Protesters rally on campus- We are all Jena!
We all beat white kids unconscious??

A demonstrator stands during a moment of silence at a rally outside the Teachers College of Columbia University in New York October 10, 2007. People gathered outside the college protesting the discovery of a noose outside the office door of African-American professor Madonna Constantine. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton (UNITED STATES)

The campus student body is outraged at the hate crime on campus.
ABC New York reported:

There was growing outrage Wednesday night after a symbol of hate was found on the campus of Columbia University the day before.

A noose hanging on the door of an African American professor has sparked so much anger at the school. It's the latest in a string of bias crimes in our area.

"Hanging the noose on my door reeks of cowardice and fear on many, many levels," Prof. Madonna Constantine said to thunderous applause.

Constantine, who was greeted Wednesday like Joan of Arc, is a prominent member of the Columbia University Teachers College faculty. It was on her office door Tuesday morning that someone hung a noose. And whether it was a prank or something more, it has sparked a furor on the campus and beyond:

"We're not sure," student Lauren Carel Barnard said. "It could be somebody's stupid idea. It really isn't funny."

State Sen. Bill Perkins, D-Harlem, said there's something very alarming about the image of the noose.

"Understand something about that noose: that noose has replaced the burning cross. It's as if a burning cross was placed on the campus of Columbia University and set afire," Perkins said.

Professor Madonna Constantine speaks at a protest rally at Teachers College at Columbia University, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007, in New York, one day after a hangman's noose was discovered on her office door at the college. Authorities on Wednesday were looking into whether a noose hanging from the door of a black professor at Columbia University was the work of disgruntled students or even a fellow professor, an incident the university's president described as an assault on everyone at the prestigious school. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)

FOX News reported that another professor is being investigated for the crime.

UPDATE: ABC News reported:

Constantine is involved in a lawsuit with another professor at the college, according to court records.
WCBS New York has this: "As for rival professor since professor Constantine is suing for defamation, police say she is not a suspect and has denied any involvement."

Suniya Luthar, a professor of psychology and education at Columbia University, is being sued for defamation, libel and slander and Constantine is seeking damages in "excess of $100,000."
Someone with a Columbia University ID and knowledge of TC’s halls is behind the "crime".


  1. Considering the location of this instance I would not be a bit surprised if this was all staged to give the LLL race warriors some media time to push their agendas. Has Al Sharpton been anywhere near there recently?

    Just like the fake hate speech. at GWU.

    One of the posters is holding up a sign that says "We all live in Jena". I wouldn't be a bit surprised if, in the end, that sign should read "We all live in Durham".

  2. Nahanni,

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised if, in the end, that sign should read "We all live in Durham".

    LOL yep.

  3. ++

    anyone know what Tawana Brawley Al's been up to lately??


  4. I don't know, is it me or does Madonna look mighty PLEASED with herself in that picture?

    Like she just won LOTTO or something.

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It's really too bad there weren't similar demonstrations at Duke in favor of the lacrosse players. These people need to understand how many people are against them.


  6. Oh wow, a woman has a noose hung on her door, and you attack the woman rather than the person that hung the noose. People like you are the very sort that give the race pimps like Sharpton credibility and keep them relevant. I will bet that you folks think that this woman should have never reported the incident; that she should have just grinned and bore it. At least you fellows did not make the obligatory comments to the effect of "while the noose was regrettable, the real crime was that this unqualified woman received a position that she did not deserve due to affirmative action" or something. And the comment "she is looking pleased with herself" ... well how is she supposed to look? If she had been bawling and crying you would have called her a drama queen staging theatrics. And as for the Duke rape case ... does the entire black race bear collective responsibility for the actions of one woman? (Yes, I did say one woman, because even the other stripper contradicted her story.) So why even bring that up in reference to this case? To say that because the Duke lacrosse players were falsely accused that this woman has no right to be concerned over someone hanging noose on her door? Look, why not go ahead and admit that what you are really angry about is that this woman is a professor at Columbia instead of being a cook or cleaning lady, which you feel should be her true place. Quit inhibiting your true feelings, it is quite liberating. Go to,, and and express your true feelings. I am sure that you will find it to be a cathartic experience for you.

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Uh, Healtheland, I think you are missing the point...

    Most of what you see posted is due to a collective eye-rolling "here-we-go-again" response to the ridiculous crap being fomented in Jena.

    Some punk (and yes, I think whoever did it was a punk) hung a noose outside a school, and all of a sudden several (note I did not say all) black people think it is okay to randomly pick some white kid leaving school and kick the everlovin' crap out of him -- and then expect to have no repercussions happen to them for assaulting an innocent person.

    And then that gets compounded by race baiters like Sharpton getting involved and trying to make this a Rosa Parks moment. Sorry, these gutless black punks do not deserve to even carry water for Rosa Parks.

    While we are at it, the hypocrisy of the situation lately is so thick is is really starting to foul the air. We can have twenty-plus years of rappers chanting about "killing whitey", and if a single person complains, everyone screeches "Racist!" and "First Amendment!". Yet we have a couple of punks (yes, I repeat, punks) hang nooses and now everyone wants to get their collective underwear in a knot.

    Everyone needs to grow up and get a life. Just because a person does not agree with the speech or actions of another does not give them the right to go beat the hell out of an innocent bystander. Malcolm X was responsible for the deaths of white people, but I do not fly into a tizzy every time I see a black person with an "X" hat on their head.

    If everyone would just ignore the baiters on both sides, they would lose their power, and just fade away......

  8. A hate crime before would have been that noose around somebody's neck, but now hanging a noose on a door is a hate crime, but beating up an innocent white kid senseless is legitimte payback because black people have a history with the noose. Well guess what, there are a lot of white people with a history with the noose too, and it was being used around their necks, probably long before a black person ever experienced a noose around their neck.

    And I'm certainly not for hanging nooses on doorknobs - like whoever did that - grow up, troublemaker.

  9. Watcher: "Most of what you see posted is due to a collective eye-rolling "here-we-go-again" response to the ridiculous crap being fomented in Jena."

    Fine then. If that accounts for "most of what I see", then what about the rest of it? Be an adult. Face up to and take responsibility for what you folks were doing here. A woman had a noose placed on her door, and more than a few of you good folks accuse her of staging it. And this "Like she just won LOTTO or something." What was that all about?

    If you good people have legitimate complaints against the black community and its leaders, fine. Just pick a better way of making your case than attacking a woman that had a noose hung on her door.
    Otherwise, it looks like you folks are just sitting around waiting for any sliver of an opportunity to attack any black person (except Clarence Thomas of course!) like a bunch of sharks and pirahnas looking for fetid bleeding meat.

  10. ++

    woah, take it easy healtheland @ 6:59 PM.. you're coming off like a shark or a pirahna looking for fetid bleeding meat.. duh!!


  11. I guarantee the person that hung the noose on Constantine's door is NOT White. You know, we White's are getting damned sick and tired of taking the blame for EVERY Goddamned instance of 'racism' in America! Something happens, blame it on "WHITEY"! People are too ignorant to actually educate themselves and learn how many FAKE HATE CRIMES are reported EACH YEAR by blacks, jews, gays, etc.! WAKE UP!!
