Wednesday, July 09, 2008

And, Here's Obama's Gobbly-Gook, Mumble-Jumble, "What the H*ll Is He Talking About?" -Video Clip of the Day

Here's the latest nutty Obama interview of the day...
Barack Obama talks about private security contractors (code for "The evil Blackwater mercenaries"):

Even his facial expressions are telling in this interview-- He doesn't have the slightest clue on what he's talking about... It is amazing.
Here are a couple of notable lines:

--Private security contractors put our troops in harm's way(?)
--If you start building a military premised on the use of private contractors and you start making decisions on armed engagement based on the availability of private contractors to fill holes and gaps that over time you are, I believe, eroding the core of our military’s relationship to the nation(?)
--I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence(?)
(2 minutes 21 seconds)

Edmond Jenks at Power Line Forum offered this analysis on Obama's latest Far Left mumble jumble on private security contractors in Iraq:

Somebody please ask junior Senator Barack Obama what he means when he says that contract worker support of our war effort should be just used for kitchenwork and automobile repair. Does Barack Obama actually know what kind of invaluable service outfits like Blackwater perform in the support of our efforts in ferreting out zeolots who want to do harm to the Iraqi citizens we are trying to liberate?

This is what Barack said to The Military Times, July 2, 2008:

There is room for private contractors to work in the mess hall, providing basic supplies and doing some logistical work that might have been done in-house in the past. I am troubled by the use of private contractors when it comes to potential armed engagements… I think it creates some difficult morale issues when you’ve got private contractors getting paid 10 times what an Army private’s getting paid for work that carries similar risks...
Does Barck even understand what Blackwater does ... they are NOT mercenaries. They do not replace the activity of our armed forces but actually complement the effort through special tasks best left to security professionals.
But Barack continued:

...When it comes to our special forces, what we’ve seen is that it’s a potential drain of some of our best-trained special forces, and you can’t blame them if they can make so much more working for Blackwater than they can working as a master sergeant. That, I think is a problem.

Q: Blackwater would argue that they’re a bargain: that you get a higher level of ability, that they can put people there, they can keep top-level talent there perpetually.

A: I am not arguing that there are never going to be uses for private contractors in some circumstances. What I am saying is if you start building a military premised on the use of private contractors and you start making decisions on armed engagement based on the availability of private contractors to fill holes and gaps that over time you are, I believe, eroding the core of our military’s relationship to the nation and how accountability is structured. I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence. And to set those kinds of precedents, I think, will lead us over the long term into some troubled waters.
Barack Obama doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
What does he mean when he says I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence. WHAT?!

War is war and to be truthful, there is no monopoly of violence when bullets start flying or when people are strapping bombs to themselves to blow innocent citizens up. What does exist is an environment where specialized talents are placed into use to enable our effort to push back and win more efficiently and effectively. This is not much different than how American Rules football is put together, where specialized talent helps to move the ball down the field.

The same interview showed that Barack also does not understand the difference between an ally and an enemy.

He continued:

And if you look at costs and benefits and if you look at the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, overall I think it was a bad decision on the part of our commander in chief.
Those are the kinds of decisions that are going to be coming up in the future.

We’re going to have to make decisions about Iran, we’re going to have to make decisions about Pakistan.

The capacity of the next commander in chief to forge alliances so that we can, when we act militarily, act in the ways that we did during the first Gulf War, a war in which, not only were our casualties kept low, but it effectively cost us almost nothing in terms of taxpayer dollars...

Our ability to engage the Muslim world in a serious way so that we are tamping down anti-American sentiment even as we recognize that there is always going to be an element of extremism that can only be dealt with militarily.
Here's are a few more comments:

-- There have been few casualties in this Iraq War (only 2 so far this month). In fact, although Obama believes the Far Left drivel, the casualties per month are lower in this war than in the first Gulf War.

-- And forgive me for calling Obama an appeaser. We all know how sensitive the Left is when you call them out on the carpet. But, appeasing radical Islamic fundamentalists is not a way to "tamp down on anti-American sentiment." In case he did not notice, it hasn't worked so well in Pakistan lately.

It is frightening to think Obama is one step away from being Commander in Chief.

UPDATE: Astute Bloggers has more on Obama's Far Left attitude on Blackwater employees.


  1. Barack Obama. Not the man I thought I knew...

    But take heart: if you don't like his position, wait a few days, and just like Texas weather, it will Change![tm].

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    When Barak says "we need to engage the Muslim world in a serious way", I get concerned.

    Also, his uneducated anitipathy toward private contractors reveals his complete incompetence as commander-in-chief.

    The goal is to accomplish the mission objectives, period.

    Saying Blackwater personnel need to prepare food and clean tables is ridiculous.

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    He's only worked as a Senator for 142 days and his only accomplishment as a community activist has resulted in erecting a hellhole ghetto of crime, drugs, gangs and violence against the poor.

    I don't expect his Change will be anything different than what he has alway arrogant elitist Harvard Law school snob who looks down on Americans as some backward hicks whom only Kings or rather Lawyers can rule.

    Someone made an observation recently...the Democrat Party is The Lawyers Party; notice how many politicans in the Democrat party are law school graduates.

  4. Am I the only one who's annoyed by the way he "whistles" the letter "s"?

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    He's inexperienced and uneducated on warfare, the State Dept, Defense Dept duties, etc.

    So, he wants Defense to provide privates to guard our State Dept and private citizens now while in dangerous places around the world?

    That is entirely impractical and shows he has no real knowledge of the issues.

    The many private security forces provide an invaluable service to multiple clients that would totally wreck our Defense Dept. We'd have to build an entire new agency to provide what tens of thousands of private security workers do daily.

    What a buffoon. He must be getting his talking points from William Ayers, a Communist idiot that would like nothing better than undercut our military strength abroad by creating bureaucratic nightmares in far flung places around the world.

    Every single country in the world uses private security forces, except of course - Totalitarian Regimes and Tyrants.

    Obama's future bodyguards?

    LOL... on second thought. Obama could be Comedic Relief for the whole nation.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Government does have the monopoly on the "use of force" but there is a difference between "force" and "violence."

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    The Obama-Gadhafi Plan of Security Guards...

    The official Tommy look...
    Chuckles, no really!

    We can call up playboy, I'm sure ole Hef will be willing to train his girls for Guuuvernment work.

    Sheik Lucy Style

    LOL... Rev Wright and Nation of Islam leader can ReVisit Libya again on behalf of dear leader Obama to select the all female bodyguard crew and clothing, ala Libyan leaders Gadhafi new brand name, Sheik Funky Guardettes.

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM


    Good point. But has there ever been a time in our past when we restricted private security firms from protecting US citizens or even officials of state?

    Private security is as old as civilization. It is obvious why the Exeuctive staff receives special consideration. But what is Obama's plan for the entire world?

    To replace hundreds of thousands of working Americans making good money abroad, doing a great service for our country with a new force? Where will he put it? And who do they answer to? Will the bureaucrats be there at 3am in the morning to allow an embassay staff worker to leave on a quick drive to a possible friendly in the middle of night?

    The number of bureaucratic nightmares are endless once lawyers, Congress, etc., get involved in slowing down the progress yet again of our forces, diplomatic or military.

  9. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I might add Obama is being critical yet again of brave Americans doing a dangerous job abroad, whether intentional or not he is clueless.

    Privates earn experience and move up and become private securitiy as they move out of the military. They're being paid for good training abroad.

    This is exactly what is good about our military as it provides a good workforce for such areas.

    I guess his plan is to put privates in place? According to his logic?

    Obviously not. You need experienced veterans in such areas of diplomacy and worldwide reach, with good pay and incentive for an arduous life of travel to remote places under many dangerous circumstances.

    This is not an entry level job. Again, even if not intentional, he puts down everyday, hard working Americans. Hundreds of thosands that worked hard for the well earned pay they receive.

  10. Good point on that, Joshua.

  11. My gosh!

    Obama is the only one I've heard recently that can make even John Kerry sound almost intelligent...

    I wonder if Obama is getting his military talking points from KS?

  12. "...what essentially sets a nation-state apart... is a monopoly on violence" - Barack Obama.

    Clearly then Obama does not support 2nd-Amendment rights or self-defense rights at all.

  13. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Also, his uneducated anitipathy toward private contractors reveals his complete incompetence as commander-in-chief.

    The goal is to accomplish the mission objectives, period.

    Saying Blackwater personnel need to prepare food and clean tables is ridiculous.

    That's obviously not what he's saying. He's basically saying that Blackwater personnel should be brought within the fold of the actual military rather than being separate private organizations. If we had a policy of not hiring private contractors for work like that, presumably more of those talented soldiers would stay within the military itself.

    I don't see what is so controversial about Obama's comments, at least as they pertain to actual combat activities in an actual war zone like Iraq. Hiring private contractors to serve as bodyguards may be a different issue. But the use of private security forces to the extent we have in Iraq at least raises some thorny questions that can't merely be dismissed with a wave of the hand.

  14. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Some background to Obama's choice of words:

    Wikipedia entry on "monopoly on the legitimate use of violence...also known as monopoly on legitimate violence and monopoly on violence"

    Ayn Rand on the definition of Government

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    LOL daryl, no. He's talking a woman, it drives me wacky too!

  16. Wow Gateway, you just called the most basic principle of rule of law "gobbly-gook" on your own blog!!!

    You are truly ignorant!

    Try using google. Or taking a class on introductory political philosophy.

  17. It is entertaining watching the Obamaniacs contort themselves in order to try to defend their messiah. I guess they over used the word "nuance" four years ago and haven't found a replacement for it yet or we would be reading it in every one of their posts.

    They are stretching so hard they are beginning to look like Gumby.

  18. I thought use of private contractors was touted as an efficiency not an expense -- not unrelated to farming out some mission critical tasks to National Guard units to be called upon as needed, not maintained in a perpetual state of full-time readiness.

    I believe "monopoly on violence" is an academic formulation -- floated here by Obama as evidence to largely academic boosters that he's a guy who talks the talk. He uses a lot of catch phrases that way. In a slightly different maneuver, a great deal of his mumbo jumbo is just designed to look like a serious vehicle for the hot buttons, like "contractors," that are really what he's trying to push.

  19. Anonymous4:50 PM


  20. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Who are the private contractors accountable to? Under what law are they accountable? If you answered "No one" and "none" you win a prize. Because the Bush administration has made them essentially outside the law. Yet another crime from the worst administration in history.

  21. Anonymous7:51 PM


  22. "What does he mean when he says 'I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence'?"

    He means essentially the same thing that Ayn Rand meant -- that what we do in a civilization is invest into a government the legitimacy of the use of force, so that every person does not act as his own judge and jury. The legitimate use of force is normally invested into an agency that we can control: a democratic government. Of course, Obama says a monopoly on -violence- instead of more correctly saying a monopoly on the use of force, which makes him sound like a nutroot.

  23. His statements make perfect sense through the glasses of a communist dictator/emperor. Think about it, most Dems/libs think the US is great because of it's government rather than it's people. The state owns/regulates everything under communism and the people only get what the state allows them to have. Look around, FDA, DEA, DHS, TSA, CIA, FBI, etc.. everything becomes more regulated and constricted every day (for one earth shattering reason or another) but noone looks at the bigger picture which shows that we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of Rome. The constitution becomes ignored constantly and, well, we let it happen due to our apathy. It is said that in fighting an enemy you must be careful not to sacrifice yourself in risks of becoming your enemy. Cold war is over yet here we go becoming our former enemy. Wake up and smell the communism folks.

  24. Anonymous7:09 AM

    back in the day of rub wanting smaller,cheaper gov the USMC protected the diplomats,God country core was the motto those guys were the best.the washout rate for embassy duty was over 90% so now we need mercs? i guess the state dept thinks the USMC are not up to doing the job.i ask what responsibility does blackwater have to doing the job?other than getting a fat check?

  25. Anonymous7:49 AM

    someone should juxtapose a video of the now infamous Ms. Teen USA answer involving US Americans and their map deficiency next to Obama spewing forth a similar stream of meaninglessness.

  26. Seriously, do not EVER compare a socialist like Obama to an individualist like Ayn Rand. Ayn rand is closest to being one of our Libertarian Heroes.
    Obama is ushering in Socialism.

  27. I've heard Obama say far more bizarre and disturbing things. As a veteran, I can accept this as a point of view. Our federal government should focus on defense and war efforts, even if they do nothing else.

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I think as obvious Conservative backers I think you all are very misinformed about how government works, and why it works the way it does.

    If any of you have ever studied Government in your High-School classes honestly you have learned that there are a few things Goverment MUST have a monopoly on in order to perform the duties the people expect it to perform. One of those is the Monopoly of Force.

    Monopoly of Force:
    This includes, but is not necessarily limited to a military that is controled centrally on a federal level in order to secure borders, carry out military actions, and police on a National Level (aka the FBI and felony offenses).

    This is something Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Wigs, Torries, Federalists and even Libertarians agreed upon at the Constitutional Conventions at the dawn of our American age.

    This is something that is indisputable and cannot be argued.

    The idea that military contractors are a bad thing is obvious in it's truth. Mercenaries, which is what "military contractors" means in this particular case, are not - and should not be the way any government (outside of the Vatican) should use. This is a conclusion based on thousands of years of experience, and the very reason a standing army was raised and maintained from our inception until today.

    This isn't to say that there isn't room for contractors - as Barack Obama clearly points out. Support roles carried out by private citizens for profit is something that should be encouraged to an extent. But there are certain things that a military should carry out in a clandestine way, a controled way, a regulated and focused way.

    Letting cowboys runaround a lawless country and then give them immunity for the very few law they DO have is something that contradicts the very idea of democracy AND the Constitution by which we are ALL supposed to adhere to and have touted as the very reason for invading other countries.

    Just because mercenaries are cool in video games is precisely the reason we shouldn't count on them to secure our nation or are interests - especially since the "contractors" have interests in their business, which is in DIRECT competition with our interests as a Nation.

    I'm surprised and appaled by the fact that you just want to disagree with the Democratic nominee based on... nothing. If you do some research and see for yourself the reasons for why our fore-fathers made the decisions they did you would agree whole-heartedly with Barack's view.

    Here's a Tip: Don't disagree for the sake of disagreeing, often times you can find many things to agree on even with your enemies.

  29. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Blackwater and the like are contracted for SECURITY tasks. The miltary on the whole is not trained for security tasks. They are trained to seek and destroy. Anyone with any knowledge of history will know when our military is actively seeking out the enemy and confronting them on the battlefield we are unstoppable. Only when we sit back and try to perform security tasks (Vietnam, Korea, Lebanon, Baghdad, etc...) do we take a beating. So as the saying goes let them do what they do best and we'll do what we do best. These companies specialize in security such as the security guards hired all over this country in malls parks and the such and personal body guards for the rich and famous, now are we saying that these jobs should be turned over to the GOVERNMENT because most of them come from the military also and that could be the reason that they leave the military. Such as Obamas argument claimed. There is a place for all kinds in these affairs and in this case the costs for hiring out this work saves the government money (one time price as opposed to endless support, insurance , benefits etc...) and casaulties.

  30. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anonymous: You are way off base on this. If you bothered to read the writings of the founding fathers they were very much against a standing army and thought that state militias were a much better solution. This attitude persisted up until the civil war where most of the units were state volunteer militias formed by the state and offered to the federal government.
    I suggest that you read "Something that will surprise the world" by Susan Dunn. It is a collection of letters and papers written by the founding fathers.

    In any case a dose of the Federalist papers should be read before stating a position on what the founding fathers believed.

  31. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Anonymous: You are way off base on this. If you bothered to read the writings of the founding fathers they were very much against a standing army and thought that state militias were a much better solution. This attitude persisted up until the civil war where most of the units were state volunteer militias formed by the state and offered to the federal government.

    Emphasis on the word state.

  32. Uh, let me, uh, take these, uh, marbles, uh, out, uh, of my mouth.

    I cannot believe people think he's articulate.

  33. To Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous & Anonymous:

    I can understand how y'all might not want to plunk down a real name here, but I sure do wish you'd sign off with some kind of identity marker or screen name instead of making the rest of us have to guess whether you're a multiple personality and whether one post is an addendum to another or a whole new comment. That's why I never bother responding to anonymous items, except as here, to point out the problem at it's most obvious. It's pretty inconsiderate, IMO.

  34. A thought just occurred to me. Under an Obama Administration, the only people that would have a monopoly on violence would be the terrorists (he wouldn't pursue any violent action).

    It becomes worse for B.O. ... did you hear his elitist comments about language? He mocked Americans for speaking English ... and he did this around Atlanta (the South).

    When one is born to the country that leads the world in ALL catagories ... and English happens to be the world’s “coin of the realm” in terms of language ... we are not stupid if this attribute of a mono-language nation is not a hindrance ... but a benefit.

    In Europe, it is a requirement to be multi-lingual (especially English) because every “nation-state” has its own language. It is this very point of order that the EU will NEVER become the USA (that is, unless someone like a Barack Obama becomes President).

    What a pious dolt.

  35. Jim:

    I would like to correspond directly with you ... and maybe exchange and network a bit more. MAXINE is on Pajamas Media BlogRoll, and Carters Second Term is the new website created to highlight Obama's run at the presidency.

    Please write me at:

    Thanks for adding my post here at GP.
