Leaders of Group of Eight pose for photos Monday, July 7, 2008, prior to dinner at the Windsor Hotel Toya Resort and Spa in Toyako, Japan. From left are: Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy; President Dmitriy Medvedev of Russia; Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany; Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom; Japan's Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda; President George W. Bush; Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada; President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, and President Jose Manuel Barroso of the European Commission. (White House photo by Eric Draper)
Not only has US President George W. Bush saved Iraq and the Middle East from total annihilation with his successful 2007 troop surge, not only has US President George W. Bush saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans from two of the most brutal regimes in history, not only has US President George W. Bush brought democracy and freedom to the Middle East and southern Asia, not only has US President George W. Bush protected the American homeland after the worst attack in US history, but now US President George W. Bush just saved the US economy from the global warming religionists.
The Independent reported:
President George Bush signed off with a defiant farewell over his refusal to accept global climate change targets at his last G8 summit.Actually, Mr. President, the US is number 2-- China took that crown this year.
As he prepared to fly out from Japan, he told his fellow leaders: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."
President Bush made the private joke in the summit's closing session, senior sources said yesterday. His remarks were taken as a two-fingered salute from the President from Texas who is wedded to the oil industry. He had given some ground at the summit by saying he would "seriously consider" a 50 per cent cut in carbon emissions by 2050.
You've gotta love that line about Bush being "wedded to the oil industry."
--No bias in that report.
Best preznit evah! So say the 28 percenters!
No wonder you're a minority.
The rest of America and the world laugh at your simplistic bravado.
Yeah KS, and your dimocrat controlled Congress gets a 9 percent rating, troll. Which makes the President three times more liked than your socialist buddies.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry though, Barry or McLame will be glad to sign on so that France will like us. Then KS, you can start taking those 12 month French vacations with all expenses paid (by those of us still working). But you'd better buy your Koran early to avoid the rush.
*wiping away a tear..
ReplyDeleteYou've done me proud, Mr. President. You've done me proud.
As for "28%'ers", did your mom tell you when you were growing up to jump off a bridge if everyone else was? To go along with the crowed? To go with the flow?
ReplyDeleteOr did she tell you to follow your conscience and to the right thing even if it isn't popular? That's why this president will go down in history as a great one.
HOOAH, Commander in Chief.
The rest of America and the world laugh at your simplistic bravado.
ReplyDeleteThe laughter of foolish men and useful idiots ... who will again and again ask for the help that only we seem to be capable of providing, the next time they face a crisis.
It is your simplistic concepts of governance and peace, that allowed thugs like Saddam and AQ to become as powerful and bold as they did ... because every time an American leader suggested acting directly and decisively to resolve the conflicts posed by such as these, you and your ilk would scream "IMPERIALIST!" and dissuade that leader from such prudent, wise action.
Y'all strain at every gnat of "incompetence" ... and ignore the camels of death and destruction spawned by your own, persistent, fundamental incompetence of thinking.
UNDERSTAND THIS: with respect to the liberation of people from tyranny ... the reduction of arms stockpiles in REAL terms ... and the facilitation of conditions for sustainable peace ...
... it is the much maligned "cowboy diplomacy" of Men like President Reagan and our current President, that has done far more to further those noble goals ... than all the efforts driven by "progressive" and "realist" worldviews combined.
And re: dissing the Climate Change Cult ...
ReplyDelete... understand that it is American prosperity that allows Americans to take a leading role in environmental protection ...
... and it is her military might, fueled by that prosperity, that has produced for other nations, who are supposedly "better" with respect to the environment, the breathing space they needed to become that way.
If we are truly interested in environmental protection, it is a fool's errand to institute measures that will trash the economic environment ... especially on the shaky, contradictory science we have seen coming from the Climate Change Cult, despite their assertions that the debate is closed.
Always keep in mind ... when people start to worry about where their next meal is coming from ... they are more likely to fillet Willy, than free him.
It would've been even better if he mooned them.
ReplyDeleteThat's why this president will go down in history as a great one.
ReplyDeleteYeah! I think McCain should keeping saying that again and again. As often as possible. And Bush should speak at the convention.
If Republicans run on how awesome a president Bush has been, they can't lose.
President Bush knows that all these "climate change" initiatives such as Kyoto are little more then thinly veiled attempts at ruining the economies of the west while grabbing as much money as they can for a bunch of Marxist NGO's and hypocrites like Al Gore.
Unlike the rest of the G8 countries which have signed things like Kyoto with the express intent of ignoring it the US has lowered it's emissions whereas theirs have increased.
Memo to ks:
The era of the "68'ers" is rapidly coming to an end. Soon there will be very few who will still tolerate the childish antics and temper tantrums out of you and your ilk. And eventually you will have to choose which side you are on. Choose wisely.
He really is the best preznit evah. He'll be crowned King Of All The Presidents if history can look back here.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Hooray! While the world markets move toward conservation and carbon emission reducing technologies, President Bush is still stuck in the 20th Century. The Pentagon and CIA have come out with reports warning of the security threats that global warming presents. Are the Pentagon and the CIA "global warming religionists?"
ReplyDeleteWake up people, the earth is round and its climate is changing.
Technically, Bush is correct we are still number one. Number one per person.
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't that really the point?
No one hates China just because they produce the most CO2. It's not really about the CO2.
No one is proposing restrictions on China because they now produce the most.
While there are many reason that the US is hated, the fact that our affluent lifestyle uses so much CO2 is really the problem.
See we need to change our lifestyles to make everyone else happy. We need to transfer our money to poor countries in order to make everyone happy.
The fact that China is producing the most isn't really the point.
It's about changing the US! It's not as if the AGW people want to sacrifice their lifestyle on a personal level. They want others to do so.
Even if the climate is warming (a big "if" based on temperature readings of the mid and upper atmosphere and ocean readings, expanding ice in Antarctica, etc.), there is no convincing evidence that it is driven by man's activity. Let alone the US's fault.
ReplyDeleteGiven our role in the global economy, you would expect to see our share of pollutants to be proprotionate to that economic activity. Would Al Gore be less apoplectic if the economic activity and its attendant pollution were spread out among say a dozen countries?
This AGW crap is all about bringing the US economy and power under international control.
Worst. President. Ever.
ReplyDeletePeople will dance on the grave of this disaster incarnate when he finally has the grace to perform his only service to the human race by breathing his last.
Much thanks to Poppy & Bar for unleashing this horror on the globe. They should both be retroactively sterilized and their genitals should be tried in the Hague.
The same people who believe there's no evidence to suggest global warming is occurring or is related to human activity--despite mounds of evidence to the contrary--think Bush is the best president ever.
ReplyDeleteAt least y'all are consistently stupid.
Most hilarious batch of comments I've ever read. Just like President Bush every time you open your mouth or type a point you show how intelligent you really are. You spell "Democrat" "Dimocrat". You applaud that our country acts like a child who wants to do whatever he wants without thinking about the consequences. It's amazing to take a look inside the fantasy world that you all live in, blindly following this bufoon like a herd of sheep.
ReplyDeleteTo the comments about how only 9% of the country approves of the deomcratic congress: you can consider me in the 91% that does not approve of their job. The reason I don't approve is because they are acting like republicans not democrats. This FISA bill vote proved it. People aren't dissaproving because they aren't happy with their democratic policies, they aren't happy because they are backing up our president. Just because people don't approve of the job congress is doing doesn't mean George W. Bush isn't an idiot.
Actually, the US pollutes on a per capita basis at nearly five times the rate China does. They have a long way to go before besting us: the world's best damn polluter.
So much ignorance, so little time...
ReplyDelete"Unlike the rest of the G8 countries which have signed things like Kyoto with the express intent of ignoring it the US has lowered it's emissions whereas theirs have increased."
No, actually. The US emissions out put has grown 14.4% since 1990. It was only in 2005 that we showed a reduction. England and Germany have each shown a decline during that period, but have leveled off lately. France has been pretty consistent the whole time.
Looky here...
You kids really ought to read up on the subject before you make such fools of yourselves.
I'm sure everyone knows the effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas diminishes as CO2 levels increase. That is common knowledge, right?
ReplyDeleteThe best part of this is the way it brings out the slavering BDS moonbats.
ReplyDeleteLike any set of religious nutcakes, they're always good for a laugh for non-believers.
As long as Jimmy Carter is in the history books Bush can never be the worst president ever. I doubt if anyone will beat Carter's record, although a President Obama might give it a good try.
The difference between religious nuts and people that believe in pollution and global warming is that the latter is science based. If anyone can be compared to a "religious nut" it's those that don't believe in it. You scour around trying to find the one or two nut-job scientists who don't believe in global warming so you can point to them and claim that the other 99 billion scientists just have their facts wrong.
ReplyDelete"Best preznit evah! So say the 28 percenters!"
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to the 9% who approve of the branch your party controls. Now wouldn't be a good time to attack Bush's approval ratings, when your Congress has managed to get such low approval ratings in 2 years that Republicans didn't manage in 12.
"So much ignorance, so little time..."
ReplyDeleteRearranging your schedule to give yourself some more time might be appropriate in this instance...
From 1997 to 2004.
Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%.
Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%.
Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%.
So despite all of the growth we have had, which has been more than the EU countries our rate of decrease wrt emissions is greater.
Hooooah! I'll light a wood fire outside tonight to celebrate. Hey -- If it's the Group of 8, how come there's 9 of 'em?
ReplyDeleteI meant rate of growth has been less.
ReplyDeleteJoshua, did you ever think it was possible that the Earth's temperatures were regulated by a giant orange and yellow ball of energy hundreds of thousands of miles away?
ReplyDeleteOr that all the planets in our solar system warm at the same rate?
Man...what is that giant ball of energy called again...
So this is why they're known as the Independent, right?
ReplyDeleteHooray everyone! Krisopher must have figured it out! Tell every scientist and researcher and the world they were wrong! The earth's temperature hasn't increased unnaturally ever year! It's just the sun! The sun makes the earth hot! Why didn't I think of that?!?! Someone give this guy a medal..
ReplyDeleteI couldn't immediately find emissions numbers, but let's take population growth into account when looking at numbers.
ReplyDeleteAccording to FAOSTAT (http://faostat.fao.org/site/429/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=429), below is the population of France, Germany, and the US in 1990 and 2004:
79,433,000 in 1990
82,526,000 in 2004
Population growth is 3.89%
56,735,000 in 1990
60,434,000 in 2004
Population growth is 6.52%
255,712,000 in 1990
297,043,000 in 2004
Population growth is 16.16%
Does anyone have emissions numbers for those 3 countries in those 3 years? That would give us a better idea of how emissions are changing over time.
The world's temperature hasn't increased unnaturally... in fact it hasn't increased at all, unnaturally or otherwise for the last 10 years...
ReplyDeleteBut who are we going to believe, "every" scientist and researcher in the world, or our lying thermometers?
Joshua, you didn't think of it because you're a useless idiot.
ReplyDeleteYou really think the same people who can't predict the weather correctly for the next few days can accurately tell you why our world is getting warmer (even though it's actually getting colder in most places)?
Stick the medal up your pompous ass.
I love that people still like George Bush. It shows the tenacity and spirit of America. It also shows how blantantly ignorant of things going on outside of the 48 states we can be. I don't think Osama bin Laden sent those planes to attack us because he hated our freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel, our ties with the Saudi family and our military bases in Saudi Arabia. You know why I think that? Because that's what he fucking said! Are we a nation of 6-year-olds? Answer: yes.
ReplyDelete"Wake up people, the earth is round and its climate is changing."
ReplyDeleteYes, and it has many times in the past. Then it cools.
It's interesting to me that the great hysteria about anthropogenic global warming began about the time Marxism finally bit the dust (except in college faculty clubs). Coincidence ?
I don't think so.
You guys just don't understand visionaries like Hansen and Gore. The Human race produces a lot of energy, and a lot of greenhouse gases. You might not realize it, but we put fully 1/1600th as much energy into the atmosphere, as the sun does. It is obvious to all highly intelligent progressives that this 1/1600th amount of energy, combined with several parts per million CO2, is resulting in runaway warming. Clearly, the only way to save the human race from well-tanned extinction is to dismantle capitalism and democracy, and replace it with something that gives to each according to his needs.
ReplyDeleteYou could easily move to say, Sweden, or Poland.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you move there instead? Why don't you just leave?
It appears anti-Joshua has risen!
All previous Joshua post on this thread are not me, obviously.
There is no consensus regarding global warming. Many scientist have disagreed with the UN IPCC.
CO2 has been at higher levels in the past and our world was a lush, tropical scene. It is the Ice Age we must worry about.
C02 Feeds Plants. It is good for trees, flowers, algae and every other abundant life growing on God's Green Earth.
God Bless our Troops and our President. They have done a tremendous job when Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Durban and all the other Defeatist, Doomsayers, and Appeasers said "we lost," "we must leave immediately," "we must pull out," "I will end this war," yada, yada, yada BS.
Well our President along with Iraqi leaders, our troops along with Iraqi troops are ending this war now in victory! Victory against a brutal enemy that murders women and children on purpose.
Thankyou President Bush and troops for standing firm! And for McCain to have the fortitude and insight to look forward for a troop surge!
Unlike the loser, appeaser and defeatist Obama that would run away from our repsonsibiliies to the Iraqi people. Like all the whiners on this threat that say they will vote for him.
Hehe, I love this guy! :) I can respect a person that holds true to their beliefs even during the tough times. It's pretty much just like what President Bush has seemingly done his entire time in office.
http://www.petitionproject.org/,Here Is 31,000 Scientist That Say Global Warming Is Not Man made.So When you say all scientist believe what you say,You are obviously lying to further your agenda.
ReplyDeleteLOL... interesting theory.
The Marxist professors are still indoctrinating our kids with their loser, socialist mentality that we all must act like mini Obamatrons.
But wait, what is the real Obama actions? He speaks a good game about community service. But what does he do?
Ahhh yes, he works with crooks and criminals like Rezko! Ayers the Communist Terrorist the bombed America and all the other Hamas supporting hate America spewing Marxist.
He gets $40K book signing up front, goes off to Bali with his hate America wife for two months.
Such sacrifice!
So, under the Obama plan. We the People all do this....
1) Hire our own criminal
2) Fleece the poor and leave them in the cold Chi-town weather
3) Sign a book deal about our fictional lives for $40K each and go on vacation for two months
4) We then all return and point fingers at everyone else for the failure of America based upon white greed.
5) We attend a racist, hate whitey, hate America church for 20 years.
Hmmmm, great plan for America based upon the actions of the false messiah Obama!
I like how the reporter says that Bush refuses to accept global warming....maybe the report should prove global warming through solid facts and not computer models that are basically trying to predict the future.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of liberal left bs, these people are so focused on ruining everyone else with fake science that they aren't focused on fixing the real problems that we have.
I guess we should be dumping trillons of dollars in building a sheild to protect us from the upcoming asteroid strike that is bound to happen, or just get real and properly educate our children to think for themselves and not to become fanatic communists.
"Best Preznit evah!" ??? What sane person could believe this and proudly say this? You people are selfish, blissfully unaware, self-centered sheep. Please consider a fact-based existence - why wouldn't you? We are not THE 300+ million most important people in the world. Everyone counts. If you don't believe that, then you are misinterpreting your religious tomes. If you believed in your own democracy, you wouldn't possibly stand up and support this man and his administration. What could be better for our democracy than standing up and shedding light on the policies of it's leaders? If you believe in his policies and think he is the best leader ever, I sincerely hope that you have personally been affected by them. It's not too late to stop blogging and volunteer for service to Iraq. Take on the risk of shedding some of your own blood that you so selfishly ask others to do for you and your president. If you are able bodied and mentally stable there isn't any reason that you shouldn't. Shame on you for the blight that you have struck upon this country and the rest of the world.
ReplyDelete"I think he did it because of our support for Israel, our ties with the Saudi family and our military bases in Saudi Arabia."
ReplyDeleteGreat; You believe bullcrap even Yasser Arafat said was a sad excuse for terrorism.
Osama bin Laden was inspired by the teachings of Sayyid Qutb, as has been confirmed by previous classmates of his. Qutb came back from the U.S. with a hatred for all things Western, believing us to be too materialistic. Apparently the man even complained about the green lawns. He also hated, you guessed it, the Jews.
He taught that Muslim states should become Sharia-ruled. He said that to achieve that freedom, jihad was necessary along with physical power. He wanted to abolish the jahili system. Jahiliyyah is the state of being in ignorance of, or not following, Allah.
"It's interesting to me that the great hysteria about anthropogenic global warming began about the time Marxism finally bit the dust (except in college faculty clubs). Coincidence ?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so."
I don't think so either. The timing is way too suspicious. Those opposed to the West, its way of life, and its political systems couldn't bring it down through supporting Marxism and runaway socialism. When that boat sank beneath them in the early '90s they grabbed for the nearest life raft they could find - and that was anthropogenic global warming hysteria. Different tool, same goal. Bring down the evil West and its lifestyle, and substitute in its place the destitution and pseudo-egalitarianism of a socialist/Marxist command economy.
And as to this comment:
"The rest of America and the world laugh at your simplistic bravado."
Laughing is the only option you have when you have maneuvered yourself into a place of complete impotence. If your ideas actually worked in the real world, you'd have options beyond laughing. Are you going to laugh when Iran nukes you, because you certainly won't be able to stop them, or even give them the credible belief that you could stop them. Europe has (through inept inbreeding apparently) transformed itself from a pack of bulldogs into an overweight, slobbering Saint Bernard drunk on the wine in its neck cask. Unable to look after itself, it certainly is in no position to rescue anyone else. (Can you say Bosnia, can you say Darfur, etc.) It's reduced to navel-gazing and obsessing about things of middling importance while trying to sound important, instead of dealing with the big, scary things in the world that mean something but that are entirely out of its league.
It also shows how blantantly ignorant of things going on outside of the 48 states we can be.
ReplyDeleteErrr....anon @ 12:12, I thought your Messiah said there were 57 states?
(Damn, stoopid little ol' me thought there were 50 of 'em. Hanging out with those icky Jooooos gave me some crazy ideas, I know.)
oh ya, I also like how all the people who don't like Bush or have a disagreement with the website post under "anonymous" or don't have a linkback, what a bunch of spineless liberal wimps.
ReplyDeleteand who really gives a damn what people outside the 48 states think of Bush, We've gotten rid of the terrorists threat that has stricken many places on this planet, Get over yourself and learn history, Osama bin Laden is a loser and had no right to attack the United States and kill 3000 innocent people, Liberals can go to hell.
Sorry, I'm still chuckling over (faux) Joshua's first comment:
ReplyDelete"Most hilarious batch of comments I've ever read. Just like President Bush every time you open your mouth or type a point you show how intelligent you really are. You spell "Democrat" "Dimocrat".
Dimocrat, as in "dim"ocrat. Much kinder than the sometimes spelled, "dum"ocrat. Ahem. Get it? (Your prejudice is showing)
China will make good on its promises to cut carbon emissions by executing the appropriate number of political dissidents. Wanting things like freedom to practice your religion, the freedom to raise more than one child, the freedom to speak your mind, even the freedom to surf whatever part of the Internet you want; these things put out a LOT of carbon, whereas keeping your mouth shut, following Maoist doctrine, and nodding your head doesn't use a lot of resources.
ReplyDeleteHey Chris, when does the great President Bush plan to bring Osama bin Laden to justice? After seven years and three trillion dollars, is it too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteTo the real 'Anonymous':
ReplyDeletethanks for spelling it out for this troll (pun intended).
It sounds like another twenty-something still living in mommy and daddy's basement. I'll gladly put up my education against its. By coincidence, one of my degrees is in PoliSci. I think that trumps a high school diploma based on a D+ average (at a guess).
ReplyDeleteAnd more of you are going to miss him when you're gone than you realize, right now.
He's a great one.
Btw, the article is not quite correct.
ReplyDeleteThe president IS enviro conscious. The press just doesn't want you to know it. Doesn't fit the narrative.
Patm said...
And more of you are going to miss him when you're gone than you realize, right now.
He's a great one.
Yeah. That's why the Republicans who are running for re-election in 2008 don't want any part of him. He's been great for the Republican brand, --you know the brand that a Republican Congressman said would have been taken off the grocery shelves had it been dog food.
But I understand how some people needs to cling to their delusions.
98% of American historians have already said he will be remembered as THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER.
"Now watch this drive."
Bush. Best. President. Ever.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that we have a president who is man enough to stand up against the Global Warming Mafia and other terrorists.
Bush is my hero. Let's get him up on Mt. Rushmore ASAP.
The "global warming" (or "climate change" as they're trying desperately to rebrand themselves) are all basically just communists/socialists who are trying to use "global warming" as an excuse to get rid of capitalism, mass consumerism, and other things the commies don't like. Which is another reason I reject to false science of the global warmers.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at per capita pollution, many third world nations pollute way worse than the USA. Why should the USA have its industry crippled when the rest of the world would still be able to go on polluting? El toro poopoo to that!
-- chicopanther
No doubt Bush is a great president. Like Lincoln and Truman, his legacy will be far better than his contemporaries suggest.
ReplyDeleteAnd he will be sorely missed. Too bad his sucessor will be a worthless wimp.
You people realize that the only time we've been attacked by the new Commies/Nazis/French, or terrorists (that's the new fear-term right?) is while Bush was in office.
ReplyDeleteAnd the only people actually attacked by the other side, voted against Bush being in office? You were aware of this, right?
Put down the Bible and read a newspaper.
Gern, you are an idiot. Here is a list of terror attacks against US interests before Bush took office. Trying reading a history book.
ReplyDeleteOct. 12, 2000 - A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
Aug. 7, 1998 - Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
June 21, 1998 - Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
July 27, 1996 - A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
June 25, 1996 - A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
Nov. 13, 1995 - A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.
April 19, 1995 - A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
February 1993 - A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
Dec. 21, 1988 - A bomb destroys Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. All 259 people aboard the Boeing 747 are killed including 189 Americans, as are 11 people on the ground.
April 1986 - An explosion damages a TWA flight as it prepares to land in Athens, Greece. Four people are killed when they are sucked out of the aircraft.
April 5, 1986 - A bomb destroys the LaBelle discotheque in West Berlin. The disco was known to be frequented by U.S. servicemen. The attack kills one American and one German woman and wounds 150, including 44 Americans
December 1985 - Simultaneous suicide attacks are carried out against U.S. and Israeli check-in desks at Rome and Vienna international airports. 20 people are killed in the two attacks, including four terrorists.
November 1985 - Hijackers aboard an Egyptair flight kill one American. Egyptian commandos later storm the aircraft on the isle of Malta, and 60 people are killed.
October 1985 - Palestinian terrorists hijack the cruise liner Achille Lauro (in response to the Israeli attack on PLO headquarters in Tunisia) Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly, wheelchair-bound American, is killed and thrown overboard.
August 1985 - A car bomb at a U.S. military base in Frankfurt, Germany kills two and injures 20. A U.S. soldier murdered for his identity papers is found a day after the explosion.
June 1985 - A TWA airliner is hijacked over the Mediterranean, the start of a two-week hostage ordeal. The last 39 passengers are eventually released in Damascus after being held in various locations in Beirut.
June 1985 - In San Salvador, El Salvador, 13 people are killed in a machine gun attack at an outdoor café, including four U.S. Marines and two American businessmen.
April 1985 - A bomb explodes in a restaurant near a U.S. air base in Madrid, Spain, killing 18, all Spaniards, and wounding 82, including 15 Americans.
November 1984 - A bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia kills a passer-by. The attack was preceded by death threats against U.S. officials by drug traffickers.
October 1983 - A suicide car bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut kills 241 servicemen. A simultaneous attack on a French base kills 58 paratroopers.
April 1983 - A suicide car bombing against the U.S. embassy in Beirut kills 63, including 17 Americans.
You're right, we are all "bitter" rednecks who "cling" to our "guns & bibles"....
ReplyDeleteFact: Bush won in '04 with more votes cast for him than any other president in American history.
Fact: 7 years without another terrorist attack on US soil. If someone had told me that on 09/12/01 I would have thought the person telling it to me was crazy.
Bush has been an EXCELLENT president. God bless him.
"Not only has US President George W. Bush saved Iraq and the Middle East from total annihilation with his successful 2007 troop surge, not only has US President George W. Bush saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans from two of the most brutal regimes in history, not only has US President George W. Bush brought democracy and freedom to the Middle East and southern Asia, not only has US President George W. Bush protected the American homeland after the worst attack in US history, but now US President George W. Bush just saved the US economy from the global warming religionists."
ReplyDeleteLet's keep this going...
Not only has President Bush trampled the Geneva Convention, he has overseen torture and detainment thousands of "enemy combatants" who will soon be free to organize and attack our troops on the ground.
Not only has President Bush illegally spied on Americans in the name of Homeland Security, now he's letting his telcom industry accomplices off the hook.
Not only has President Bush turned a blind eye to economic recession, he's promoting federally sponsored bailouts for profiteering corporate hacks like Steans, Fannie, and Freddie.
Wow this is fun...not even to mention all the "improvements" King George has made in our education system, housing market, Supreme Court. Keep this up and there won't be anything left to "improve."
Um... your buddy Obama voted for the Telecom immunity as well. I guess it wasn't so bad was it?
ReplyDeleteFact: Bush won in '04 with more votes cast for him than any other president in American history.
ReplyDeleteFact: Bush won by the smallest margin by an incumbent since 1916.
Staggering victory.
To all the anonymous posters making idiotic statements against our President with great alarmist world ending lunacy.
ReplyDeletePlease provide links about global warming. So we can likewise rebut your ignorance.
Bush has in fact supported many new technological advances in battery, solar, biomass, hydrogen, nuclear, clean coal, clean gas, etc., thru the DOE, NRAL, ABAT, DARPA, SAI, and other agencies in advanced research and design with private/public matching of funds to universities and corporations. Billions is being poured into research daily in our nation and around the globe. The most basic research is being funded by our government today to help take new research breakthrus into commercialization and production.
There have been breakthrus in solar, wind, battery in the last 8 years on his watch. Much of it funded by our government under Bush. So, he is not ignoring the issues, but he is being practical and not flaming the world with hands in the air praying to Al Gore. Gee, thankfully someone had their head on straight and refuses to bow down to a hypocrite spewing forth C02 everywhere he tra
There are so many projects, but to list a few; 25 universities were selected for funding top research projects in solar PV, CSV, multi-junction PV, etc. The goal is for solar to be competitive in pricing of electric generation with coal, nuclear, gas, by 2015.
This is not the only research project. There are thousands of ongoing projects with our top materials companies from Dupont to Applied Materials with matching funds and university research around our nation.
More money has poured into alternative energy research under Bush than did Clinton.
Solar America Iniative
While funding multiple alternative solutions from solar to biomass, algae, etc, our President has liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan after being attacked on September 11, 2001.
We are at war. Wake up. Stop chewing the moonbat guanna and come outside of your caves.
Drill Here, Drill Now. To help Transition Now to Alternatives and stop american money going to Middle East Terrorist and Tyrants.
Also, please show the latest trends in temperature, be honest.
The last decacde, there has been a flat line, no temperature increase!
And last year there was a decline in temperature! No Global Warming Alarmist Model predicted a decline! How do we to trust such scientist if they're predictions fail? Any global warmers want to answer this question?
Here's a simple strategy to save money and stop alarming people...
1) Do not panic
2) Understand past history of temperature cycles, due to Sun cycles, ice ages, etc.
3) C02 is beneficial to plants
4) Utilize practical plans like algae for biomass that sucks up C02 and produces biofuels, clean coal, safe nuke, solar, wind, etc, all forms of energy, including drilling now to bring prices down.
5) Demand climate models that can accurately predict temperatures. So far, they were all wrong!
6) Report the truth, hotspots and hotzones in our country are the result of cities spreading into old temperature collection points that use to be grass cooled, now are surrounded by concrete. Naturally temperature goes up in cities of concrete, but it does not translate to global warming
7) Do not depend upon the United Nations, politicians, or eco-terrorist funded scientism for truth.
From last years expensive, lush conference in Bali...
"This is the most lavish conference I have ever been to, but I am only a scientist and I actually only go to the science conferences," Evans said, noting the luxury of the tropical resort. (Note: An analysis by Bloomberg News on December 6 found: "Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year."
Hypocrites! 20,000 cars for a year?
Why didn't they fly coach? Or meet over the internet in regional groups to not pollute our world? Why don't they take their own medicine and stop traveling to tropical islands endangering them? Creating more CO2?
Wait... this was Bali? Oh yeah, Obama's favorite Two Month $40K vacation hide out! LOL!
ReplyDeleteFACT, He won :)
And as a result we did not retreat like your man Kerry, an elitist schmuck, putting our troops down, running on a Defeatist platform.
Today, you support a Marxist Black Liberation theologist loving far left nut. A man that sit at a church of hatred and racism for 20 years.
Great selection by the defeatist Dems once again.
Chuckles at all the moonbats flying in from Obama campaign cronies and DailyKosKomrades.
Hey, moonbats! What's it like to support a man that seeks out Commies for support? Like terrorist William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn? The Commie New Party? Who left all the poor people in delapidated buildings in Chi-town with Criminal Rezko???
LOL... what a bunch of losers. Keep it up!
George Bush doesn't care about black puppets.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are like Satan, if he actually existed, and wasn't a make-believe individual to scare children/stupid grownups into thinking hell actually exists....(but that was his trick, wasn't it?!)
Republicans like white rich people only. Democrats are spineless. Both are worthless. But George Bush is a great role model for all the Jesus fans out there, and we have a lot of them in America, so he wins.
Except that he's an idiot, like all religious people.
Christopher said...
ReplyDelete"oh ya, I also like how all the people who don't like Bush or have a disagreement with the website post under "anonymous" or don't have a linkback, what a bunch of spineless liberal wimps.
and who really gives a damn what people outside the 48 states think of Bush, We've gotten rid of the terrorists threat that has stricken many places on this planet, Get over yourself and learn history, Osama bin Laden is a loser and had no right to attack the United States and kill 3000 innocent people, Liberals can go to hell."
1st Issue: This is a blog. I know that I didn't sign up to be pen-pals or have your address to send you a valentine. It's for discussion and open debate, not for some clandestine email activity. I don't understand why that would upset anyone interested in the facts of the matter.
2nd Issue: Liberal wimps? Explain. You would appear to be in the age range and frame of mind to physically support your fervent beliefs. What is preventing you from risking your own neck to back them up? The Military would most likely welcome a courageous person such as yourself.
3rd Issue: You and I should give a damn what other places and people think of your country and it's polices. Don't you give a damn or have an opinion on what Iraq, Iran, France, North Korea, China, Afghanistan, and a whole host of other countries are doing? You must, otherwise why are we in Iraq, and why so much concerned about Iran, and why such ill will towards France?
4th Issue: Where has Bush gotten rid of terrorism? Pakistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Uganda, Myanmar, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Liberia all have active terrorist organizations and they are still in operation. Not to mention organizations in Northern Ireland and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Where, exactly, has he made an impact? And why is the focus, or majority of focus in the "War On Terror", on Iraq and not on Afghanistan?
I'm glad Bush went after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden originally, but, really, what else could he have done? Any other President (and I mean anyone), be they Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Man, Woman, Majority, Minority -ANYONE- would have done the same thing. Otherwise, we would, and should, all be asking for his or her head on a platter for failing to do so. You think Bush #1, Clinton, Gore, or Kerry wouldn't have done so? Really???
I'm just wondering where Osama Bin Laden's head IS after 7 long years, 600+ billion dollars, and, at minimum, 135,000+ human casualties and deaths. Shouldn't all of us wonder about that? If not, why not? I mean, he actually seems to be the one terrorist that isn't afraid to directly, and successfully, strike us right here at home. Why is he even still around, then? I can't see why any of us wouldn't care and be completely outraged about this fact.
Horray! Great spelling, but fitting.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was satire at first, but you guys are dead serious, aren't you?
"98% of American historians have already said he will be remembered as THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER.98%."
ReplyDeleteLive by the polls, go ahead.
They said that about Lincoln, too. And Truman.
As long as Jimmy Carter's name remains in the list, there will be no comparison. Maybe you're too young to remember 17% mortgages, and Americans being held hostage for 444 days, but I'm not.
2008: vote your hate. Go ahead.
You'll be crying for these bad old Bush days.
"You people realize that the only time we've been attacked by the new Commies/Nazis/French, or terrorists (that's the new fear-term right?) is while Bush was in office.
ReplyDeleteAnd the only people actually attacked by the other side, voted against Bush being in office? You were aware of this, right?"
Did you miss the 1990's?
Ye gods, this thread has turned into the Night of the Living Brain Dead with all the moonbats from the fever swamps of the "reality-based community".
ReplyDeleteYou know that the end is near for them when they form shrieking swarms such as this.
ReplyDeleteTerrorist Atttacks prior to Bush's war against the terrorist:
Courtesy Bruce in SA... thx Bruce!
"Here is a list of terror attacks against US interests before Bush took office."
- Oct. 12, 2000 - Terrorist bomb damages USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
- Aug. 7, 1998 - Terrorist bombs destroy U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
- June 21, 1998 - Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
- July 27, 1996 - A pipe bomb explodes during Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
- June 25, 1996 - A fuel truck explodes outside U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
- Nov. 13, 1995 - A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.
- April 19, 1995 - A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
- February 1993 - A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
- Dec. 21, 1988 - A bomb destroys Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. All 259 people aboard the Boeing 747 are killed including 189 Americans, as are 11 people on the ground.
- April 1986 - An explosion damages a TWA flight as it prepares to land in Athens, Greece. Four people are killed when they are sucked out of the aircraft.
- April 5, 1986 - A bomb destroys the LaBelle discotheque in West Berlin. The disco was known to be frequented by U.S. servicemen. The attack kills one American and one German woman and wounds 150, including 44 Americans
- December 1985 - Simultaneous suicide attacks are carried out against U.S. and Israeli check-in desks at Rome and Vienna airports. 20 people killed in the attacks, including four terrorists.
- November 1985 - Hijackers aboard an Egyptair flight kill one American. Egyptian commandos later storm the aircraft on the isle of Malta, and 60 people are killed.
- October 1985 - Palestinian terrorists hijack the cruise liner Achille Lauro (in response to the Israeli attack on PLO headquarters in Tunisia) Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly, wheelchair-bound American, is killed and thrown overboard.
- August 1985 - A car bomb at a U.S. military base in Frankfurt, Germany kills two and injures 20. A U.S. soldier murdered for his identity papers is found a day after the explosion.
- June 1985 - A TWA airliner is hijacked over the Mediterranean, the start of a two-week hostage ordeal. The last 39 passengers are eventually released in Damascus after being held in various locations in Beirut.
- June 1985 - In San Salvador, El Salvador, 13 people are killed in a machine gun attack at an outdoor café, including four U.S. Marines and two American businessmen.
- April 1985 - A bomb explodes in a restaurant near a U.S. air base in Madrid, Spain, killing 18, all Spaniards, and wounding 82, including 15 Americans.
- November 1984 - A bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia kills a passer-by. The attack was preceded by death threats against U.S. officials by drug traffickers.
- October 1983 - A suicide car bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut kills 241 servicemen. A simultaneous attack on a French base kills 58 paratroopers.
- April 1983 - A suicide car bombing against the U.S. embassy in Beirut kills 63, including 17 Americans.
This list does not include the stops made by American, UK and European authorities around the world. One of them was to stop 10 planes from blowing up entering America.
Bush liberated 50 million people. Only a clueless moron does not appreciate that fact. Bush forced the Syrian military out of Lebanon and fought to get Europe involved thru NATO and the UN as a peace force between Israel and Lebanon.
What you don't mention about the 135,000 dead are the fact many of them were terrorist, insurgents, and Saddam's old Baathist out of uniform, wearing civilian clothes. What you don't mention is how many Al Qaeda terrorist have been captured and killed, including the planner of 9/11 that sits today in Gitmo, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, as well as many other terrorist captured thru out Pakistan.
You fail to mention that Pakistan is a nuclear power and as a nuclear power, plus an ally in this war, we cannot just go traipsing into their country without their OK.
Funny how the Dems and Obama, and other leftist moonbats have no problem with invading an ally, but whine all day about an enemy, a thug murderer responsible for over 300,000 deaths since the first gulf war of his own people.
Your problem is one of attitude. You seem to think this nation can willy nilly go punch out other nations like Pakistan without a clue what kind of war would break out if we did. Unlike your silly remarks, useless sarcasm, diplomacy at all levels is being applied. Plus military solutions on the Afghanistan border. I guess you can care less that it is our troops giving their lives in Afghanistan and other remote regions as long as you get in cheap shots against Bush and America. WTG Dems and leftist. Tear down our President, military during a time of war.
Truth is this will be a very long war, not simply a few years and out. This war is not only being fought in Aghanistan or Iraq, but around the globe, in Asia, Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, India, Gaza, Lebanon, all over the Middle East, Africa, Somalia, Algiers, even in South America where Marxist Terrorist and Cocoa chewing moonbats like Chavez support our enemies in Tehran and Syria. Russia and China are also involved shipping weapons to our enemies from Syria and Iran to Sudan and Zimbabwe.
The President has done everything he can and more, including our Generals and our military. Osama bin Laden is on the run, so is his second in command and tens of thousands of their trained followers have been killed in Iraq.
News Flash for the uninformed. Osama made Iraq his big war against America. He sent his best into Iraq to try and defeat our military and cause us to leave, to demoralize us. And the Democrat Defeatist leadership almost gave Osama his gift.
That is your side. The losers, the whiners and the sniveling con-artist that lied to America. Muck raking and tearing down our military during a time of war. Trashing them, comparing them to Nazis and cold-blooded killers, from Murtha to Durban and Harry "We lost the war" Reid.
You stand for nothing but whining and complaining and if it were left to leftist moonbats, Saddam would still be alive, 25 million still under his control. The Oil for Food Scam still in place, or he would be making weapons again and still paying terrorist to murder women and children in Israel.
Brilliant Ransom. You keep standing by that losing legacy and moonbat defeatism for America.
As long as Jimmy Carter's name remains in the list, there will be no comparison.
ReplyDeleteExcept that Carter currently has higher approval ratings than Bush does.
But please -- again -- please keep telling people how awesome Bush is. It's electoral gold, I'm telling you.
PATM Says:
ReplyDelete"You people realize that the only time we've been attacked by the new Commies/Nazis/French, or terrorists (that's the new fear-term right?) is while Bush was in office.
And the only people actually attacked by the other side, voted against Bush being in office? You were aware of this, right?"
Did you miss the 1990's?
Hey Dumba**/he/she/it. Maybe you forgot about the 1993 (when clinton was pres) bombings of the WTC. Or were you just a twinkle in your daddies eye's at the time? You libs cease to amaze me. You're the reason Obama wil lose in November!
Leftist that I am, I have to say to my fellow leftists that you are wrong about two big issues of our era:
ReplyDelete1. Global warming. It just isn't happening. It was 20 years ago that we first heard about this, and since then there has been no noticeable change in our temperatures.
2. The Muslim threat. It was nearly 20 years ago that I first became dimly aware of this threat, with the fatwa against Salman Rushdie. Since then things have gotten worse, and unlike "changing" temperatures, one can see this change. No one was talking about shari'a back then, but now people are, and some dhimmis at the top in Britain are even saying it has some sort of role in their civil affairs.
By the way anon @ 12:12, Al-Qaida ALSO attacks India. Why? It can't be their support for Israel or any of the other reasons you and others have listed. You attack Americans who are ignorant of the rest of the world, but apparently you didn't know about the attacks on India.
I don't see that ignorance of the rest of the world is worse than the cherry-picking of facts that the average American leftist does when observing the rest of the world. And by the way, since you know so much, can you off the top of your head name which country won the last cricket World Cup? I bet not.
"Fact: Bush won by the smallest margin by an incumbent since 1916"
ReplyDeleteHow many incumbents have run since 1916?
I count 8, so there is a 1 in 8 chance it would be Bush. Pretty good odds it would be him factoring in that he was also orginally elected by What? probably was the thinest margin ever to a first term.
And I think the smallest margin would be held by the incumbent that lost by the most. There margin obviously being a deficit.
I'm just wondering where Osama Bin Laden's head IS after 7 long years, 600+ billion dollars, and, at minimum, 135,000+ human casualties and deaths. Shouldn't all of us wonder about that? If not, why not?
ReplyDeleteFirst, because we did something better ... we rendered bin Laden impotent, unable to maintain command/communications/control of AQ except through the slow process of courier, lest he be detected and interdicted permanently ... without repeating the debacle that the Soviets endured in Afghanistan, by "flooding the zone" with troops.
And without turning him into a martyr.
Second, because that $600B was spent to deal with more than just bin Laden.
He is not the only enemy we were, and are, facing in the GWOT.
Let me 'splain that to you in the simplest of terms. Read it, and come on back.
The enemy we have spent most of that money on was responsible for many more deaths than 135,000, over his brutal reign. (He also had wealth and technical capabilities, coupled with a opportunistic gambling streak with respect to geopolitics, that made him in some ways a greater threat to the world than bin Laden .... and certainly an equivalent threat to AQ/Taliban in terms of fomenting terrorism.)
The critics of this President did WHAT to stop that drip-drip-drip of government-sanctioned death?
This President put a stop to it ... and liberated 25 million people from that way of life, along with 25 million more in Afghanistan.
How many people have the Leftists and realists liberated through the application of their ideas? Generally, the best they have done is maintain a lethal status quo like I described above.
You want sustainable peace ... when your enemy has a reputation for totalitarian expansionism, and begins to turn your good-faith efforts at diplomacy into breathing space for their planning and preparations for war, it is time to act decisively.
The cowboy diplomats like our current President and Mr. Reagan have realized that and acted accordingly, in the face of y'all who think you Know Better ... and they have liberated hundreds of millions of people, reduced arms stockpiles in REAL terms, and fostered the conditions for sustainable peace.
Regarding that 135,000 ... how many of those were targeted by the so-called "freedom fighters" who opposed us in Iraq, as opposed to dying ... as the enemy, or caught in the crossfire ... by the application of American ordnance?
The "freedom fighters" ... an oxymoron in this case, since true freedom fighters don't target the innocent among them ... had the choice to either engage us directly, or engage in terrorism. Too often, they chose the latter ... and from what I see, facilitated by their own ordnance (and hands) the vast majority of those 135,000 deaths.
Please be sure, in the future, to give credit for death, where credit's due.
Boy, the depth of the Leftist parrottage is significant in this thread. Must be a lot of kids home from college, with their heads full of 20th-century conventional wisdom.
Well, school's open ... if you have an open mind, come and learn the truth (as opposed to "truthiness") your professors didn't teach you.
If your mind is still closed, prepare to be exposed for the parrot you are.
And for those of you who gloat over low approval ratings as a sign of a missing legacy, keep in mind that Churchill was turned out of office after the war by his own people ... but later their disdain turned into admiration, as their passion-of-the-moment turned into a historical view.
Methinks the same will happen to our current President, as y'all grow up and get away from those fossils who are still trying to Save the Legacy of Woodstock Nation ... by any means necessary, fact and reason be damned.
They won't get past those of us who are pro-victory ... for we allowed their Leftism and realism to call the tune in the last century ...
... and we won't get fooled again.
Let me say something to those who are worried about offending others.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, if we are going to sustain peace, prosperity, and freedom in this world, people need to be offended ...
... especially if they are buying into the Leftist/realist conventional wisdom of the last century.
Before we worry about offending them, perhaps they should begin to "hold these truths as self-evident", so that we have reason to trust them to do the right thing.
Then, realize that economic prosperity facilitates environmental protection ... and to degrade that in the name of a Leftist wealth-redistribution agenda hiding behind shady science, can easily be COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to environmental protection.
As I said earlier, when people are wondering where their next meal's coming from, they're more likely to fillet Willy, than free him.
Hey Chris, when does the great President Bush plan to bring Osama bin Laden to justice? After seven years and three trillion dollars, is it too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think? Is Bush personally out there looking for Bin Laden? You have just trashed our military. After all, they are the ones looking for this guy. Well, so much for suppoorting our troops. We never believed this canard anyway.
ReplyDeleteSeven Republican Members of House Judiciary Call for Impeachment out of Duty to the Constitution
GOP Reps. Smith, Sensenbrenner, Coble, Gallegly, Goodlatte, Chabot, and Cannon after much deliberation put the Constitution and rule of law before politics. Rep. Lamar Smith stated, “As much as one might wish to avoid this process, we must resist the temptation to close our eyes and pass by. The president's actions must be evaluated for one simple reason: the truth counts.”
Hang on to yer butts, punditoes, 'coz even yer own want to IMPEACH the criminals.
You need to hold on to your own butt, Anon 3:20 AM ... and keep its contents from fouling these threads.
ReplyDeleteIs THIS the "report" you are referring to?
You should have read it all.
At the end of page 3:
The statements above are excerpts from transcripts of the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearings. December 10-11, 1998. Each congressman is a current member of the House Judiciary Committee.
So much for your apparent glee.
I look forward to all the exploding crania on the Left, that we will see when this "selected" President leaves office on his own two feet on 20 Jan 2009 ... and their failure to get their revenge against his usurpation of their perceived birthright-to-rule is complete.
OTOH, if you want to impeach anyone ... there are plenty of Dimocrats who should be impeached for the INACTION in the face of evident threats to our civilization that they ENCOURAGED for decades ... that is when they have not actively worked to further the cause of totalitarian rule, even in the face of conservative Administrations that were working to thwart it -- and rightly so -- at the same time.
When y'all stop trying to twist the truth and assist evil in the name of Saving the Legacy of Woodstock Nation ... i.e. grow up ... this nation will be a whole lot better off.
They said that about Lincoln, too. --patm
ReplyDeleteWRONG! You don't know what you're talking about. Have you ever read a history book on Lincoln?
He was beloved by the American people and by the men (military and civilian) who served him.
BELOVED. Not one person would ever use that word to describe George W. Bush and the American people. NOT ONE. No matter how loudly you squawk.
But since y'all think Dubya is a great president, I don't expect y'all to know much about anything.
KS ... from what I've read, Lincoln wasn't so beloved while he was in office. Only in history's light did he gain the admiration he deserved.
ReplyDeleteAnd Churchill was turned out by his own voters in the aftermath of WWII ... then also gained the admiration he deserved in history's light.
Methinks the same will happen to our current President, as well ... but if your head doesn't explode on 20 Jan 2009 when Mr. Bush leaves office with his head held high, it will then.
That's what happens when you dedicate yourself to Saving the Legacy of Woodstock Nation, instead of encouraging the universal application of "those self-evident truths" to produce sustainable peace, KS.
ks said, BELOVED. Not one person would ever use that word to describe George W. Bush and the American people.
ReplyDeleteAnd then he immediately contradicts himself with his following statement,
But since y'all think Dubya is a great president
Logic - it's just not ks' strong suit.
Btw, they called Abraham Lincoln a dumb monkey. Sound familiar?
I'm still waiting for us to bring Hitler to justice.
ReplyDeleteI mean, 60+ years! What the heck does it take! What the heck did we fight WWII and lose more than 200,000 of our bravest for if not to try Hitler? How can we possibly claim to have "won" when Hitler was never brought to justice!?
Hi. I'm training to be in the next generation of historians.
ReplyDeleteThe 98% of current historians who think Bush is bad? They are the ones I'm being trained to question, to challenge, to replace.
98% of my generation of historians won't have _their_ view of Bush, or any one viewpoint, thank goodness. Intellectual diversity is good.
Hey Chris, when does the great President Bush plan to bring Osama bin Laden to justice? After seven years and three trillion dollars, is it too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think? Is Bush personally out there looking for Bin Laden? You have just trashed our military. After all, they are the ones looking for this guy. Well, so much for suppoorting our troops. We never believed this canard anyway.
Bush and his chickenhawk neocon Pentagon friends trashed our military. Bush is commander-in-chief and he sets the agenda. The Iraq war is a trillion-dollar failed neocon experiment launched under false pretenses and has stretched our military to its utmost capacity. (Oh, I forgot, they are "volunteers" so they asked for it.) Hope you "conservatives" love the fact that Bush drained our treasury, not with investments in our nation's infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), but with military consumption. No "liberal" social program in the world could have spent as much as Bush. Is there any capital (human, financial, goodwill) that he left unspent? He is a disaster and you are free to disagree, but your head is in the sand.
Anon 12:12 PM said: 'I don't think Osama bin Laden sent those planes to attack us because he hated our freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel, our ties with the Saudi family and our military bases in Saudi Arabia'
ReplyDeleteHe did it for the military bases in Saudi Arabia (hmmm, whatever were they doing there? Policing the borders and skies against someone, I just can't remember whom?). And, he did it for the sanctions against Iraq which the libtards think were just great, but which every Arab believes were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents. It's all here in the big O's own words:
'First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.
If some people have in the past argued about the fact of the occupation, all the people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it.
The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, but they are helpless. Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.'
For a bit of the science and the politics, I suggest reading the Draft Report on Climate Change by the Garnaut Review in Australia and watching some highlights of a briefing on A Taste of Garnaut: the Climate Challenge. Both can be accessed through my blog.
ReplyDeleteDave ...
ReplyDeleteBush and his chickenhawk neocon Pentagon friends trashed our military. Bush is commander-in-chief and he sets the agenda.
Then why are the Armed Services consistently meeting their recruiting goals ... and we see so many of our warfighters re-upping, especially IN-THEATER in the MidEast?
Apparently THEY don't think he trashed it ... for we have seen them leave, when others have trashed it in the past.
The Iraq war is a trillion-dollar failed neocon experiment launched under false pretenses and has stretched our military to its utmost capacity.
"False" pretenses that the rest of the world believed, as we did. The liar was Saddam, not Bush.
And failed? Guess Again!
Oh, and Google the following:
[tribe "al-Ameriki"]
You want to know what failed us ... 40 years of Leftist/realist dominance in the area of foreign affairs. That did NOTHING but maintain the drip-drip-drip of death and misery ... and allowed the latent threats to continue until one of them erupted on 11 September 2001.
This President has facilitated the end to two of those threats, liberating 50 million people in the process. That is NOT "failure" ... except for those who equate impeachment with success.
The centerpiece of neoconservative thinking ... that the adoption/absence of rights-respecting governance is the watershed between peaceful neighbor /violent enemy ... was already proven, in Western Europe and the Pacific Rim, well before 20 Jan 2001. It is being proven again, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your use of "neocon" as an epithet is so typical of the knee-jerk Left ... and still doesn't change the truth.
(Oh, I forgot, they are "volunteers" so they asked for it.)
See what I said earlier about recruitment and re-enlistment. Despite what John Kerry might say, they aren't dummies.
And you and I reap the benefit of their conscientiousness.
Hope you "conservatives" love the fact that Bush drained our treasury, not with investments in our nation's infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), but with military consumption.
Let me put this into perspective ...
According to a detailed study by the Tax Foundation, in 2005 individuals, businesses, and nonprofits
spent an estimated 6 billion hours complying with the federal income tax code at an
estimated cost of over $265.1 billion.
That ANNUAL cost is around the same amount we have spent each year in Iraq.
If you are so concerned about costs ... are you supporting the Fair Tax?
Considering that ONE 911-sized attack put a trillion-dollar hit on our economy, preventing Saddam from continuing to run Iraq like a high-tech/high-dollar Afghanistan 2.0 while corrupting the UN still wasn't a bad deal.
And Congress was already ignoring the infrastructure for YEARS before 20 Jan 2001. You can't hang that on one President.
Your concerns about cost ring quite hollow.
No "liberal" social program in the world could have spent as much as Bush.
We spent $3 Trillion to $5 Trillion on the War on Poverty, which perpetuated poverty instead. Admittedly, over a longer time span than the GWOT, but it was a "peacetime" effort ... and the timespan that also means those who advocated that War had more opportunities to correct their incompetence.
Is there any capital (human, financial, goodwill) that he left unspent? He is a disaster and you are free to disagree, but your head is in the sand.
I'll refrain from suggesting where your head is ... beyond the fact that you are simply parrotting Leftist talking points instead of using said head in the mode of reasonable thought.
From what I see, you're just another BDS sufferer, who believes that conservative principles are the root of evil ... and would denigrate this President, war or no war, simply because he at least pays lip service to them, instead of joining you in Saving the Legacy of Woodstock Nation ...
... or at the least, making sure that the government helps you "get what you deserve" from the "greedy rich people" ...
... and/or creating a social climate where expressing disdain for another's life choices (a powerful corrective-feedback mechanism in any society) and encouraging responsibile living is discouraged -- except when it comes to things economic, where such disdain is applied with all the precision of a mob with sledgehammers.
Too easy to debunk.
The whole global warming deal is total bait and switch.
ReplyDeleteThe IPCC reports since 1995 have been reducing the amount of added temperature CO2 causes. So where has the the problem been coming from? Positive feedback. And what do we know about climate feedback? We for sure do not know the magnitude. We don't even know the sign. As the IPCC admits (you have to go deep).
Biggest hoax perpetrated. Ever.
Except that Carter currently has higher approval ratings than Bush does.
ReplyDeleteI guess Bush should have done something to get interest rates above 15% and hand Iran to the theocrats.
It is too late for the first and the second is already taken.
QED: Bush is a failure.
Wow - what a bunch of simple minded fools. Y'all leave me breathless.
ReplyDeleteThere have been some experts on the global warming farce they explain how the numbers are falsely obtained as Biden and the companies and hospitals lied to us about how bad Covid 19 was and caused unnecessary lock downs and destroyed all businesses except big business and caused lock downs they plan to do the same with their fake global warming now they are trying to take away gas stoves using the lie it caused Astma in children they rolled out the vaccines that killed billions world wide and will do the same with the fake global warming.