Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh Brother... MSM Even Stocks "Fading Globama" Photos

We've all seen the many haloed photos of the angelic Barack Obama in the news:

JWF noticed the latest production.

Today, Newsweek reported the sad news that Obama's is fading in the polls. His lead dropped 11 points since last month.

And, they even had a "fading Glowbama" on hand to go with the story.

You can't make this stuff up.

Flopping Aces sees a serious problem for Obama since this biased poll was stacked (35% Dem to 25% Repub) with Democratic voters.


  1. The messiah fading? How can this be? Is he a false messiah?

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Never was the Messiah. Just an evil crooked clown along with his he/she partner.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Watch it you may just have “Big Mike” lookin to beat your azz.

    3. Anonymous3:09 PM

      You bet

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    If Newsweak (sic) has the holy one only up by 3, the reality must be he's down by 7.

  3. Is it just me or does it seem like Obama is on the cover of Time or Newsweek at least twice a month?

    Without intending to, I find most of my online news reading happening with UK, Hindu and other presses. The US press writes nothing all-Obama-all-the-time. No McCain, no Iraq. Screw them. There's more going on in the world than Obama's daily flipflops. He's lost his lustre for me.

  4. Anonymous12:49 AM

    These pictures are clearly photoshopped...I am the only one that can glow at will.

  5. How long will it be before the MSM starts photoshopping in an enlarged package onto this androgynous clown?

  6. Gee thanks, juandos.

    I did not need that visual.

    No popcorn for you! 8D

  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    How is this poll stacked and biased?

    It has 315 Republicans and 324 Democrats out of 1037 respondents.

    That's not a 10% bias. That's not even 1%.

    Now the poll is weighted, of course, but Newsweek doesn't say how it was weighted, so how can we now that it was 35/25 in favor of Dems?

    Another point to consider is that self-identified Dems outnumber Repubs right now by at least 10%(closer to 15%), so even if it was weighted 35/25 it would probably be an accurate adjustment.

    My two cents.

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Obama is a filthy sodomite with white teeth, who is a natural snake charmer and mass murderer.

  9. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Gaybama, he is married to another man.
