Wednesday, August 29, 2007

AHMADINEJAD Gives Oliver Stone Thumbs Up to Film Him!!

Film director Oliver Stone, who has compared President Bush to Ahmadinejad, was not taking "no" for an answer this time.

Director Stone reached out again to genocide-promoter Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week to film his life story.

Fars News just reported that Iranian President Ahmadinejad has given Oliver Stone approval to film his biography:

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expressed his approval of acclaimed director Oliver Stone's plans to make a film about him.

"I have no objection, generally speaking, but they have to let me know what are the frameworks. They should talk to my colleagues. Principally speaking, I have no objection," President Ahmadinejad told reporters during a press conference here in Tehran on Tuesday.
This was probably the kicker that pushed Mahmoud over the top:

"Stone’s publicist referred to the bad image that the U.S. media has given to Islam and Islamic countries and said that the documentary could assist in countering such negative propaganda.
IANS has more on Mahmoud's decision.

Ahmadinejad Turns Down "Big Satan" Director Oliver Stone
Leftist Director Oliver Stone Sees Bush as Ahmadinejad
Oliver Stone Renews Movie Offer to Ahmadinejad


  1. ++

    well i'm not surprised.. the so called rejections are most likely pre-scripted propaganda to begin with..


  2. ++

    gah, clicked wrong tab.. are should be were.. ;)


  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Oliver Stone should be asking him about murdering Dr. Kazem Sami and his involvement in assassination Iranian-Kurdish leader in Austria in 1979(?). He should know that he is dealing with a butcher and a murderer.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "He should know that he is dealing with a butcher and a murderer."

    He does. But he is aligned with those who despise their own country, and would like to see it defeated. The international Leftist loves butchers and murderers AS LONG AS they are reliably anti-American.

  5. would hollywood've done a bio-pic of hitler in 1940!?!?


    this is one of the all-time lows for the chic degenerati of h-wood.

    and that's saying a lot!

  6. ++

    pardon if a repeat (may have posted this in another thread), and it may seem a tad OT.. but imo, it not only explains a lot about the mind boggling attitude's & actions (or lack thereof) of both our foreign & domestic enemies, but it's spot on!!

    Liberalism v Islamism


    [First of all, let me define my terms and say what I mean by Islamism and liberalism. Islamism is the politicised version of Islam which mandates jihad, or holy war against the infidel and conquest of the non-Islamic world for Islam. I’m well aware of the argument that there’s no difference between Islamism and Islam: that’s a theological argument for others to have.

    By liberalism I mean the commitment to a free society, founded above all on the separation of secular government from religious worship — from which follow the concepts of equal respect for all people, freedom of conscience, tolerance and the rule of law.

    These two concepts, Islamism and liberalism, are currently engaged in a fight to the death.]

    [Our corrupted liberal culture has torn up the key precepts of liberalism so that it no longer knows what they are, let alone stands ready to defend them to the death. Authentic liberalism was a doctrine of social progress based on maximising the good in people’s behaviour and minimising the bad. It thus depended upon making moral distinctions between good and bad.

    But these distinctions have been destroyed by a combination of hyper-individualism —which grew out of liberalism — and a form of cultural Marxism whose agenda is to destroy liberal values. Between them, these trends tore up the concepts of objectivity, authority and the Judeo-Christian moral codes underpinning western values and substituted emotion, subjectivity, and moral and cultural relativism.

    All lifestyles were now deemed to have equal status. Social or moral norms were intolerable because by definition they excluded by those who lay outside them. So normative values were replaced by those of groups hitherto deemed to lie outside them. Such self-designated ‘victim’ groups became unchallengeable: they could now do no wrong, while the dominant culture could do no right. And ‘universal’ human rights law became the judicial weapon for minorities to overturn the values of the dominant culture.

    Under the banner of liberal values, this actually destroyed the core precept of liberalism — the distinction between right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies.]

    [The Big and Little Satans themselves, America and Israel, are proxies for liberalism and = modernity. That’s why Islamism says they must be destroyed. Qutb famously went to America and concluded from seeing men and women dancing at a church hop that America was one giant brothel. And much of the bitter hostility to the Jews who started returning to Palestine in the 1920s was because the women wore shorts and were sexually free.

    The Islamist goal is to destroy the virus of freedom and modernity before it infects the Islamic world, and to replace it with Islam. That is the core of the profound threat it poses to the west, a threat mounted through the pincer movement of both terrorism and cultural takeover.

    This cultural takeover, or the aim to Islamise the west, was explicitly laid out in a programme of subversion for Europe by the Wahabbi Muslim Brotherhood almost 30 years ago. In 1978, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference sponsored a seminar in London which said Muslim communities in western countries must establish autonomous institutions with help from Muslim states, and lobby the host country to grant Muslims recognition as a separate religious community as a step towards eventual political domination.]

    [Liberals also think they are superior in intelligence to everyone else. So they don’t understand that the Islamists are actually playing them for suckers, exploiting the intrinsic weakness of a liberal society they correctly assess as decadent: no longer prepared to fight for its values because it no longer even knows what they are.

    What we are living through in the west is nothing short of a repudiation of the Enlightenment, a repudiation of reason; and its substitution by irrationality, obscurantism, bigotry and clerical totalitarianism — all facilitated by our so-called ‘liberal’ society, and all in the name of ‘human rights’. Western liberalism now embraces its Islamist mortal enemies and attacks its American and Israeli allies in the fight to defend civilisation.

    We are giving the Islamists the message that we are theirs for the taking. This is how liberalism may disappear up its own backside.]


  7. Oliver Stone is a LLL manwhore. There isn't an anti American dictator that he would not get down on his knees and play skin flute. And swallow.

  8. Hmm.

    Well no doubt, Ahmadinijad will shame the audience into submission.

    Afterall people...he hasn't invaded anything


    And from the looks of it, he won't have to. Iran has already won this debacle without firing a shot and through practicing old school Shia diplomacy.

    Most here have no idea what that means.

    And we count on that as Shia.

    Peace on those that deserve it.
