Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Jesse Jackson Slams Obama-- "Wanna Cut His Nuts Off" ...Updated With Video


Drudge headlines:

Daily Kos is freaking out that FOX has the tape.

Bucks Right has this on the tape:

Radio host Sean Hannity just revealed that FOX News is in possession of an exclusive tape of Reverend Jesse Jackson, recorded after a recent interview when he thought the microphone was off, slamming Barack Hussein Obama for “talking down black people on matters of faith” (Hannity also has said it as “talking down to black people on matters of faith”) among other issues.

Hannity also intimated that Jackson says he wants to “rip Obama’s nuts off” on the tape.
The AP just posted a report.

O'Reilly and Hannity will play the whole tape tonight and posted a teaser of the tape here.

You better look out, Jesse...

...There's a bus heading your way.

In other news of hope and change... An ethics complaint was just filed over Obama's sweetheart home loan.
Hat Tip Nahanni

UPDATE: Okay- Here's the video clip from The O"Reilly Factor:

Jesse "wants to cut his nuts off" for talking down to black people?
What am I missing?... When did Barack talk down to black people?

Obama has talked down to whitey -- but never black people.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    HEH HEH Pass the popcorn Nahanni!!! lolol

  2. Well good, ole Jesse you know doesn't want to lose that federal tax exemption status...

  3. I'm actually more interested in the content of Jackson's apology. So, if I read him right, government policies are supposed to "fix" the "bad choices" that black males have been making?

  4. I thought all black guys were brothers???

    That's no way to talk about his brother like that.

    He could have said he wanted to shove Jerry Wright's head in a garbage disposal and I think that would be more appropriate.

  5. Um... wow! This will be ignored for sure by everyone but Fox!

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Oh please, please this tape on a loop for the next 3 months. I'm soooo sure that Jesse insulting Obama is going to hurt so much with those independent voters. NOT.


  7. Two black boys, scuffling in a playground.

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It's the Bloods vs. the Crips.

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Jesse Jackson? On tape? Who will translate the Ebonics?

  10. "I'm soooo sure that Jesse insulting Obama is going to hurt so much with those independent voters. NOT"...

    Well I'm with you anon, independent voters for Obama are indeed idiots...:-)

  11. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "I'm soooo sure that Jesse insulting Obama is going to hurt so much with those independent voters. NOT.


    As usual, you assume Fox News' purpose, like those of your preferred media outlets, are to get certain people elected, and not to errm... report the news.

    So yes, if their purpose is to hurt Obama, this is an unlikely result, but if it is to reveal genuinely interesting comments made by public figures, well maybe they are not such idiots.

    BTW - what is it about Obama that he has the ability to reveal as empty craven losers those same people that the Left defended when their cravenness was directed at "safe" targets?

  12. /plonks down the Texas sized tub o' corn-help yourselves...8D

    Music to read this post by...

    LOL! Jessie...prepare to meet the undercarriage of the bus!

    As every day passes the Democratic National Convention and "Recreate '34" party rally is shaping up to be the probably the most entertaining event that will have happened in the last 50 years. The convention itself will be like watching MacBeth done by the inmates of a 19th century insane asylum.

    It's gonna have everything!

    It is going to be a three ring circus with a steel cage death match as it's headlining event. Outside will be a freak show the likes of which history has never seen. And for the closing night they are going to "Recreate '34" as in recreating the 1934 Nuremberg party rally.

    The freak show is going to be spectacular, including this under reported little item.. Just think of it! 50,000 howling illegal immigrants and their leaders combined with 20-40,000 shrieking moonbats, Marxists, anarchists, race warriors, drag queens, hippies, "environmentalists", anti [insert name of pet peeve here] whack jobs, troofers, etc. all sweating away in the heat of the high plains in August. Many without permits and all have stated they don't give a damn what the city of Denver wants them to do. If anything deserves that worn out cliche "perfect storm" it will be this. In fact it reminds me of the following line from "Blazing Saddles".

    I want rustlers, cutthroats, murders, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con-men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglars, horse thieves, bull-dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, sh**-kickers, and Methodists!

  13. Jesse Jackson is the reason we will never have a Black president. Barack Obama is the reason we will.

  14. Barack Obama is the reason we will.

    I hate to break it to you but come January Obama will still be the junior Senator from Illinois.

  15. This is going to be fun watching Obama flop around like a fish on the riverbank over.

    Ethics Complaints Filed Over Obama Mortgage Rate

    "Americans ought to be suspicious when a United States Senator such as Barack Obama, obtains a sweetheart mortgage deal," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "We have serious concerns that Senator Obama's mortgage may have violated the law and Senate ethics rules." The group filed separate complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee.

    The Post's Joe Stephens reported that in 2005, Obama, then a freshman Democratic senator, bought a $1.65 million restored Georgian mansion in an upscale Chicago neighborhood. To finance the purchase, he secured the loan, for $1.32 million, which was locked in at an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago.

    The loan was unusually large, known in banker lingo as a "super super jumbo." Compared to the average rate in Chicago at the time for a jumbo mortgage, Obama's deal could have saved him more than $300 per month, Stephens reported.

    The article quoted an Obama campaign spokesman as saying Obama received a discount from the base rate at the bank, not because he was a senator, but because he had an offer from a competing bank and he brought other business to the institution.

    "It appears that due to his position as a United States Senator, Barack Obama received improper special treatment from Northern Trust resulting in an illicit 'gift' which has a value of almost $125,000 in interest savings,"

  16. Jesse Jackson is the reason we will never have a Black president. Barack Obama is the reason we will.


    Obama started out as the "postracial" candidate. Now, he's blacker than Malcolm X and P Diddy.

    He's altered his speaking habits, trying to sound more "authentic"; he's pointed out his own race on several occasions; he attended a racist church for twenty years; he and his wife whine constantly about how bad they have it; he holds up sticks and says, "Ah'm goan whup 'em!" like a KKK stereotype; and he wants the government to solve everybody's problems.

    His followers say, "He's gonna make Washington the real chocolate city!"

    He physically grabbed Joe Leiberman on the floor of the Senate and basically threatened him.

    And now, he's making outrageous, self-aggrandizing demands like some spoiled hip-hop star. Moving his acceptance speech to a massive stadium will cost the Democrats and the media millions, but he doesn't care. He's entitled.

    Obama will lose in November, because he's become everything negative about black American culture.

    He's nothing but a corrupt machine politician, a black hack like Maxine Waters.

  17. Anonymous4:22 PM


  18. Anonymous4:34 PM

    As my father used to say, we're getting ready to say, "aint nothing better than bought sense", and African americans are getting ready to buy some sense. No other ethnic group clings to any politician on the basis of his race-only their ACTIONS. If I were white I'd be laughing in my pants because know this: Obama ain't, I repeat ain't interested in nothing Black but our votes. Wake up people African Americans are being used royally!!!!! Listen to the man and really hear him-he hasn't made one not ONE positive overture to Black people. Every other ethnic group has him on a short leash and he's responding to their demands like a champ!. Had someone white made the same identical remarks Obama has made we would have objected loudly and clearly, but just because he's black- it's ok. His identification as he himself states is mixed race, not black-although all African americans are "mixed"-get over it. Plus, if he's going to knock black fathers than he'd better balance his criticism with knocking the thousands of white females who give away their mixed children to foster care when they can't face the music as well as the millions of white males who trade in their families like they are last year's car models- paying no child support and abandoning their first sets of children-leaving a lot of pain and chaos in their wake

  19. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I wonder if this was a setup. Remember, Obama, our ever radiant saviour, needs to convince Whites to vote for him. Remember, the old line ... Don't scare whitey!

    What better way to not scare whitey than to get the Blackest leader of the Black community to criticise our saviour, one who has no middle name.

    I guess I'm being to paranoid. I'm so paranoid about politicians anymore that I think they unplugged Jesse Helms on July 4th so he could have a good day to die on.


  20. Anonymous4:40 PM

    This has already been picked up by the mainstream media. They have been doing damage control for Jesse by concentrating on his apology and his unwavering support of the Obama candidacy.

    Note the difference between how the MSM covered the Imus scandal and this one. They concentrated on what Imus said and replayed it as often as possible and downplayed his apology. With Jesse they don't even tell you what he said, but have kept the story focused on the apology and his support for Obama.

    Nope, no bias here.

  21. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Jesse just continues to prove that he is a bigoted hate monger. He is inappropriate every step of the way. He and Al Sharpton are cut from the same cloth. There is no reason that either one of them should be provided any air time. He is disgusting! Could you imagine if a white man said these words? What would Jesse come out with? Even "private" conversations should not be filled with hate like his conversations and lame response that it was "private".
    Thanks for posting the audio!

  22. Hey, Jessie!

    Look up!

    How many tires do you see there?

  23. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I can see why Jackson would want to say that. But first, no one on this Earth can tell me Jesse Jackson, a man who's been in the public eye for decades now, did NOT know the standard in studios is to NEVER say anything you don't want the public to hear, on camera or off, mic-on or mic-off. There's always something running in a studio, and he KNOWS IT. This was NOT a mistake, just a clever use of the media. ......Why he said it? Because Barack is hammering away at his old-style, far-left and far-right political world, he doesn't know which way is up, it's all bass ackwards to him, and Jackson isn't as popular anymore. He's not "THE" Black spokesman anymore. Barack did what no Black has ever done in the past: get votes, and lots of 'em, and whether he acts white or not (he does), he's BLACK. Jesse isn't relevant anymore, and he's at a point where every politician in history who's losing their edge does what he has to do to stay popular: he gets NASTY.

  24. Wow ... "ebonics," "black boys," "bloods and crips..." from the looks of the threads I've been reading lately, I'm starting to wonder if there are any NON-racist white people hanging around on the Internet... is it even possible for you guys to comment on an issue involving a black person without immediately reaching for the racist crap?

    And you wonder why so many blacks don't trust you.

  25. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sorry, folks, I think better of Jesse for this one. Jesse doesn't like Wright. It's really not a matter of rivalry with Obama.


  26. Anonymous6:00 PM


    It is all about the control of power shifting in the party.

    And for anyone to think Obama is above this is wrong. He sit in a church for 22 years of racist, bigoted, anti-semite hatred under his so-called "spiritual mentor" the very "unhinged" unreverential Jeremiah Wright.

    I'm thinkin loads of caramel corn, this is Cracker Jack time! LOL, Salute!

  27. Memo to jreid:

    Apparently you did not get the memo from moonbat central.

    The use of the race card has been discontinued due to it being made irrelevant by the decades worth of racist statements coming from the likes of "Rev.'s" Al Sharpton, Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson and Jeremiah "G_d damn Amerikka" Wright, Louis Farrakahn, Barak and Michelle Obama, Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin, Spike Lee, 839475635 rappers etc., etc., etc..

  28. Anonymous6:11 PM


    Who you foolin? From the land of the unreverand Wright? A racist hater of America-KKK? US of KKK? The "G__ D____ America" unRev Wright?

    This is where Obama supped his fake Sunday spiritualty for more than 20 years at the feet of a bigot, racist hate-filled anti-christian preacher. A black-liberation theologist that promoted Black Values.

    Care to inform us what those black values were/are? Since the church removed them upon the Senators election run? They do not seem to be very proud of their Black Value system now. Why not? Could it be because it is racist?

    I was not aware Christ preached black values over all others. Were you?

    The racist are under Obama's wings, those that have not been thrown under the bus yet.

    Be sure, I'm not responding for anyone else here, but calling out the double standards of a unscroupulous politiican in Obama that used a black liberation church on his climb up, that now dismisses his church, his pastor of 20 years for sake of his life long grab for power.

    I detest racism, especially in someone running for the presidency that stood by for 20 years rotting in it.

  29. Anonymous6:14 PM


    excellent point, i forgot all about Obama seeking out Nation of Islam racist and anti-semites.

    The stench is overwhelming with hatred and double-standards by the community that Obama hails from in southside Chi-town.

  30. joshua,

    /channeling jreid on

    Cracker Jack is a racist snack! By using that term you are implying that only white people ("crackers") can enjoy it.

    /channeling jreid off

    It is better and more "Politically Correct" to use the term "caramel corn" for it denotes that it is a snack "of color" and thus palatable to all. It also fits in with the Democratic convention food color scheme only as long as the popcorn used for it is air popped due to the "fried food" ban.

  31. Jesse Jackson. A class act all the way, isn't he?

    I was on the Montel Williams show 2 years ago and sat next to Jesse Jackson. He spoke about Bush in the most undignified of ways during commerical breaks. I mentioned to him that this WAS the Commander in Chief, REVEREND, and we're not supposed to speak disrespecfully of leaders over us. He pretended not to hear.

    He seems to have a habit of speaking down to, usually with profanity, men who are politically more successful than he if they disagree with his moral authority. Apparently people actually being holier than he irritate him. Go figure. Jackson is not an example of morality for the black community or anyone else for that matter.

  32. I detest racism, especially in someone running for the presidency that stood by for 20 years rotting in it.

    BINGO! We have a winner!

  33. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Reverend Jesse Jackson. You've forgetten you're referring to a man of the cloth.

    Shame on you.

  34. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Blogger JReid said, And you wonder why so many blacks don't trust you.

    Let's see, "Reverend" Jesse said something that I'd expect from a 1950s active member of the KKK.

    And you don't trust WHITE PEOPLE??????

  35. LOL Jackson just gave Obama is very own "Sister Souljah" moment.

    If Jackson weren't such an egomaniac I'd think this was staged.

  36. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Open mic or open mouth? Jesse admitted to spitting on white people's food while working at a restaurant in his early years. Anyone know where the video of that apology is? No, that doesn't exist. Jesse has made the title Reverend a joke. I know where he should PUSH his racist rainbow.

  37. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Klansmen Unite.
    We got ourselves a negra fight and we jes love it.

  38. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Jessie's gonna cut Obama's nuts off?
    Jessie must know the combination to Michelle's safe.

  39. What a stroke of political brilliance! I'm no conspiracy theorist, but this one is just TOO PERFECT!!! Jesse has been on TV WAAAAAYYY TOO LONG to know that what he was saying wouldn't be overheard. Think of how beautifully this all works for Obama: Jesse is a polarizing figure which he and CERTAINLY Obama know. Jesse makes this politically and racially charged statement, and Obama promptly takes the high road. White moderate swing voters--the ones who will make or break this election for Obama, are impressed by his high-mindedness, and, despite Obama's having accepted Jesse's apology, Obama now has a ready-made excuse for not having ANYTHING to do with the polarizing Rev Jackson in the remaining months before the general election (again--a huge "plus" for Obama where the white moderate vote is concerned. This move also short circuits any potentially costly summer/fall showdown between a moderate, black presidential candidate and the far-left, black leader of the Rainbow Coalition. Had that happened, Obama would have found himself between a rock and a hard place. Now it's a moot point--they won't be seen within a mile of each other until mid-November at the earliest. What's in it for Jesse, then? Why would he agree to throw himself under the bus like this (he really comes of bad in the very short term, but then again, our collective memories are very short term)? Stay tuned for what plum "assignments" may come the Reverend's way in Obama's second term.... You heard it hear first, folks--FAIR AND BALANCED BABY!!! That Obama camp is BRILLIANT!!!

  40. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Classic Kos hissy fit ... total hypocrites (and nihilists)...

  41. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Come on Gateway, remember when Bill Cosby told black men they had to take care of their responsibilities, get educated and stop being thugs? Remember the truth backlash? Remember when Obama spoke on the Sean Bell situation and Sharpton jumped on him? How about when he didn't show for the Tavis Smiley Black Conference or down south for MLK's anniversary (even though he totally milked him before that)?

    As Obama will tell you (and his voting record re: drug dealer sentencing, three strikes, black juvies who can't help killing folks... due to their 'environment'), young black men can do no wrong. He wants AIDS funds, grants for his friends, contract deals... but he really doesn't want to help them (shhh)... by keeping them down, he looks better.

    Remember when Michelle O told those typical young folks making no more than 40K not to go to college and work in the community?
    While she has the 400K job and hasn't stepped down? How she hates whitey but keeps that hair permed straight (I noticed she straightened the oldest hair as well, nevermind, it's a black thing, measuring by their standards). They can't wait to get into the white house either.
    You would think with the hate and class agitation, the Alinsky/CAIR race separation, that would be the last place they'd want to go.

    To blacks with a brain? He is the son of slavers (on both sides), not slaves. He's a wanna be.

    Oh well, he'll give him dap on his next campaign stop.

    Now is when I tell you the usual... set up. Did you see (via ABC blog), Jes Jr. throw popsie under? Just words. Distractions.
    What you will not see is a million man black rally on responsibility and how it's the white man's fault.
    Wait a minute... nevermind.

  42. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Mike 123,

    Exactly. Jesse's being racist to his white side. The double race card.

    Black folks, pay attention:

  43. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I'm glad to see Jackson getting slammed.

    It elevates other great black americans who have lived in his shadow...

    like Al Sharpton.

  44. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Jackson vs Obama... pistols at dawn. "High Noon".

    Won't work. Guns are bad, remember? No way Polly Obama would ever touch one.

    And suddenly I'm reminded of this:
    Sharpton has only got one ball
    Jackson has two but very small
    Wright Himmler has something sim'ler
    But poor old Barrack got no balls at all

    You know, that race card is getting totally silly.

    And I say this only once: I don't mind a black president in the US. No, color of skin shouldn't play a role there. But I want a competent president, a strong president of the US, because not only America, but also the world needs exactly that (face it, no matter how much many of the Euro-peons and American America-haters whine, who's the one to go in and kick ass? The UN? The EU? The Red Cross? (Sh)Amnesty International? Green(Piss)Peace? Nope, you call Uncle Sam, because you know Uncle Sam gets the job done, unlike the others.) Not some nut who only gets that seat because he's playing the race card, like Polly Obama has been doing it for a while now. Polly Obama, also known as Barrack the Parrot, is neither competent nor strong. Why do you think all the islamo-fascist dictators support him? They'd have a field day with him as POTUS.

  45. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Jesse Jackson was a 'groupie' of MLK Jr. MLK was an educated and articulate orator. Jesse Jackson is incapable of forming an intelligle and grammatically correct sentence. Jackson has made a career riding on MLK's coat-tails and as a human being he disgusts me. In 2001 he admitted fathering a child out of wedlock with one of his aides at the "Rainbow Coalition" - after decades of preaching ABSTINENCE as birth control for young blacks. He's a lying, selfish, manipulative piece of excrement who can't keep his dick in his pants - maybe HE'S the one who needs to be neutered?

  46. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Gosh, and I was under the impression that Obama had no balls at all.

  47. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Jesse Jackson's comments were not an accident, but a carefully orchestrated act intended to benefit Obama politically.

  48. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Anyone consider the possibility this is an act of orchestrated political theater? I’m calling victimology hoax on this one.

    Why else would the black father of a black Illinois Congressman publicly stab a black Illinois Senator in the back? Accident my ass!

    This is Jesse’s Don Imus moment– the CBS tool who single-handedly blacked out MSM coverage of Petraeus’ April 2007 Congressional testimony.

    Now Jesse falls on the sword of his own tattered reputation to do the only thing he can to promote the Obama ticket– attack Obama, rally the base and distract voters from Obama’s recent series of gaffs.

    Terp Mole

  49. Anonymous9:51 AM

    so much racist vitriol from a bunch of psychotic bloggers, no wonder America is head and shoulders above with serial killers, school shooters etc etc etc. God bless Obama

  50. Anonymous10:28 AM

    i say we give them both guns and let them have an old fashion duel. hopefully both guns will go off and they will both die.

  51. The only thing Jackson has ever pledged unwavering support to (outside of cutting the Obamessiah's bag) has been an ongoing shakedown of American corporations under his extortionist Rainbow Coalition.

    This is how the shakedown works:
    "Hi, you know me so an introduction is unnecessary. Let's get to the point. Not enough blacks employed here. Gimme money and I'll keep quiet. No money and I get on the MSM and start throwing out the "R" word. No, sign here. That's it. Cha-ching! Thanks, *insert name of corporation here*."

  52. Anonymous12:06 PM

    So, how does this affect Obama again? How does it stain the Obama campaign? Every single conservative here is a goddamn racist prick.

    If you would like me to point out your racism, ask and you shall receive.

  53. Anonymous12:12 PM

    gypsy man said... nailed this one--this whole thing is nothing but is a cynical ploy to make Obama look more moderate. They're right--Obama is not WRIGHT for America!

    7:14 AM

    Too f@#$ing bad. He's going to be your next President. Have fun being under the watchful eye of President Barack Obama. I bet he does a little data mining on all of your favorite conservative sites with the new powers that have just been handed him in the Senate with the FISA bill.

    Heh. The civil libertarian outrage will begin in 5......4.......3......2.......1............

  54. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Jesse Jackson is the reason we will never have a Black president. Barack Obama is the reason we will."

    Good call Mitzy. Obama is the reason me and the rest of my white, 24 year old, conservative friends, will vote Democrat for the first time.

  55. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "Obama is the reason me and the rest of my white, 24 year old, conservative friends, will vote Democrat for the first time. 12:27 PM" (anon)

    Yeah, Obama has shown me the light, as well. I thought White leadership was bad before, but now I realize that Blacks are stuck with much worse. My sympathies and best wishes for you to escape the strangle hold of Leftist Blacks and their Leftist White enablers. The good guys really are out there. And some of them have an attitude.

  56. So, if Jesse has his way, we will have a female President after all! YOWZER!

  57. I just love the hypocrisy, keep going at it.

    Nothing like watching the animals eat their own. Think I'll get me a tub-o-popcorn too. this is too much fun watching what happens upfront and then all the backsatge excuses everyone comes up with. Bunch-O-Losers

  58. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I think Jesse Jackson took Obama's comments about absent black fathers personally. Jackson has an illegitimate child by his Rainbow-PUSH staffer who must be about 8 years old now. The mom complained that Jesse has not been much of a father.

  59. For Takekaze and others of your ilk:

    “…Why do you think all the islamo-fascist dictators support him? They'd have a field day with him as POTUS.”

    The “world” supports Obama... There is hope for change the world can believe in – not retarded feelings, thoughts, judgments, and actions of racism and hegemony – like the comments on this thread. Raise your game.

  60. TivoliEclipse ...

    ... when large swaths of that "world" you talk about demonstrate by their actions that they do NOT "hold these truths to be self-evident", I seriously question their judgment regarding aspects of our governance.

    Too many of them also have demonstrated that they think the way to "lift" themselves up, is to drag America down to their least-common-denominator.

    And hegemony? We don't even ask, from the nations we liberate, for the land to bury our dead any more. The only "hegemony" we seek is the universal application of those self-evident truths ... for their worldwide application is what will facilitate sustainable peace.

    Hope and change? More like Jimmy Carter, Ver. 2.0. ... the Chicago political machine version.

    And it's neither retarded nor racist to state that.

    Neither is it retarded or racist to state this ... for from what I see ...

    ... with Big Zero we will party like it's Nineteen Seventy-Nine!

    Been there, done that ... don't want to repeat it.

    Put me down for Sen. McCain for our next President.

    And that, too, is neither racist nor retarded.

  61. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Does this mean Mr. Himeytown will not be in BHO's cabinet?

  62. Anonymous1:28 PM

    This is going to catch fire everywhere but in the news. Funny how that works with the libs. Rev. Jesse Jackson's apology was vauge, shallow, and irrelevant. How can anyone take this clown seriously? I've heard stuff much more mild than this and people lose their careers/lives over it. Jesse Jackson is an advoate for the very thing that he promotes to limit....racism.

  63. Thanks Rich for elevating the game.

    I could have taken the following and essentially framed it in my own words -- but why plagarize in this space? I'm on the "Third rail" (shout-out to The Cantab!) and so I Googled what I know -- empirically and found this:

    "There are traditionally two moral views on the use of violence in politics, based on a differentiation of violence as used by the oppressor and violence as used by the oppressed(to obtain their liberation). The oppressor attempts to portray (all) violence by the oppressed as illegitimate and (all) violence by the oppressor as (exclusively) legitimate. The oppressed tend to portray (all) violence by the oppressor as illegitimate and (all) violence by the oppressed as legitimate. There are three choices in making moral claims in this regard: 1. Accept the legitimacy of violence by the oppressor (and reject that of the oppressed) 2. Accept the legitimacy of violence by the oppressed (and reject that of the oppressor) 3. Reject violence by either party (i.e. neither has a legitimate moral claim to use violence) At present, as in history, the oppressor wants to establish a moral claim to exclusive legitimate use of violence, and to do this by posing as a force of liberation, a representative of absolute good (versus absolute evil), defender of primary or sacred rights and values (deemed to be intrinsically good), and thereby to effectively mask oppression and legitimate violence by the oppressor. The 'new' guise of oppression is 'liberation', and the desire to establish 'democracy' and a (neo-liberal) market/capitalist economic system open to transitionally mobile capital. The paper critiques this mode of 'imperial neoliberalism' as a geopolitically driven strategy of establishing spheres of influence intended to control both strategic resources (e.g. energy) and territory (e.g. the Middle East and Central Asia) and deny control of these to any rival for hegemonic power."

    The "hegemony of liberation" -- classic! The hegemony of liberation is code for oppression.

    Obama gets my vote!

    PS: If Barack Obama cannot encourage/inspire black men to assume responsibility for their progeny -- then who can? Jesse?

  64. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Check out the latest cartoon on Jesse Jackson's slip of the tongue by Controversial Political Cartoonist Lance "Scurv" Scurvin. Click Below:

  65. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Obama has such a big E.G.O., no wonder the reverend was mad. With all the fasad of popularity, celebrities, ... etc. EVERYTHING BUT REAL ANSWERS. He has to belittle people below him. You want this man to be president. Reverend Jesse Jackson is a far better person than Barack Obama! OBAMA avoids to answer, he states "CHANGE". I'm still waiting to hear not just "CHANGE", but what he plans to do with change and the programs he will replace things he changes.

    i'm neither dem/rep.

    i just would like the best person to lead this country. not someone who skirts behind REAL ANSWERS, REAL SOLUTIONS ...etc.



    if it was 9/11, he would take his sweet ole time.

    look at his response to russia invading georgia. he said "let the UNITED NATIONS handle it". uhm stupid, russia has veto power. dum dum dum. ya think his 300+ advisors would have advised him. he retracted his statement 3 days later and said russia should get out of georgia.

    if it was rwanda, well, all those people would have died too and he would have been a slow mover and shaker.

    sorry, jesse is better than him. jesse should be running. like him way better!!

  66. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I'd vote for Jesse over Obama any day!

    Obama avoids to answer the full truths. He states "CHANGE" yeah yeah. Okay, you state change, but what will you replace the change with once you've done. I'M STILL WAITING TO HEAR THAT ONE, IT'S VERY VAGUE AND NOT CLARIFIED. TOTAL AVOIDANCE IF YOU ASK ME.

    I can believe the Reverend denouncing Obama. He's all E.G.O. (with the star studded celebrities, performers, Oprah).

    i'm neither dem/rep. i just want to vote for the right person for the Presidency.

    honestly, i don't trust him. i would prefer the Reverend Jesse Jackson as he's more of a down to earth kind of man I respect.

    OBAMA reminds me of the ass-kissing junior associates, who don't roll up their sleeves, but they're sure good at kissing upward.

    i don't like him talking to Hugo Chavez, that commie from Venezuela, who tried to buy the Harlem people last year with free gas. NICE! NOT! he's no better than some druglord giving free drugs to stay in business.

    sorry Obama, this is not how you play the game when negotiating with foreign countries. the more money you give Chavez, the more blood money give to Chavez. you should be more careful who you associate with and who you do business with.

