Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Democrats: The Party of the Bogus Poster People

Bogus Poster Can Granny...

With some helpful union prompting, the 79-year-old widow stood up last week at a Gore town meeting in Iowa to explain how she walks the highway, picking up cans so she can afford to pay for food since she has to pay $250 a month for her prescriptions. Executive Editor Scott Hogenson took the initiative to call Mrs. Skinner. He found the opposite of a desperate woman itching for a new entitlement. She made it clear she's not interested in federal assistance. "No, no, I don't want the taxpayers to pay for my medicine," Skinner told Hogenson. "I'm a proud person and I want to earn it and I want to do it on my own. I don't accept charity and I don't get food stamps. I qualify, but I don't get them because I don't want the taxpayers to support me." Skinner’s children are financially comfortable, but she won’t accept any help from them. More to the (political) point, The Washington Post noticed Mrs. Skinner was encouraged to attend the Gore meeting by her colleagues in the United Auto Workers union. (Media Research)

Bogus (and convicted) Poster Mom...

Democratic poster child Jennifer Bush with her mother Kathy who served time fo welfare fraud. (prisonpotpourri) In 1996, Hillary Clinton propped up young Jennifer Bush, a seven-year-old with mystery ailments whose mother coached her to lobby for universal health care Jennifer was trotted out to present the Clintons a lucky silver dollar “to bring you good luck so everyone can have good insurance.” Jennifer’s mother was later convicted of aggravated child abuse and welfare fraud for misrepresenting $60,000 in assets on Medicaid forms- via Michelle Malkin.

Bogus dead people...

This (embryonic) stem cell ad with children did not honestly represent the issue and said that the Republican opposed all stem cell research. This was not true. It was just embryonic stem cell research, killing embryos, that the Congressman opposed.

Bogus Soldier Stories... soldier Josh Lansdale made bogus charges against the state of Missouri and made up bogus stories about his combat experience in Iraq. He starred in Claire McCaskill ads.

Bogus Kerry story...

Mary Ann Knowles did not have to work through her chemotherapy to keep her health insurance. John Kerry said she did.

Bogus poor?...

Graeme Frost, a child who suffered injuries in a car accident, was the prop the week for democratic leaders Reid and Pelosi to use in their SCHIP's Campaign to expand the federal government. The Frost family turned out to be not so poor.

Michelle Malkin has more on the democratic poster child abuse.
Democracy Project gets personal.


  1. They have to create propaganda to support their agenda because reality doesn't support their claims as to why we "need" to adopt their programs and agendas.

    Just remember they live in a house of cards in the "reality-based community". The "reality-based community" is a gated community of the mind in the city of Fools Paradise. Fools Paradise is a city located in the state of Delusion. It lies on the banks of the longest river in the state of Delusion which happens to be the river Denial.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    None of this matters in Leftist/Marxist politics. The only goal is power, and if the story that gets you power is "fake but accurate", so what? It's for the people's own good, so why should they care?

    Once the workers paradise arrives, we will thank them for lying it into existence.

  3. I have posted comments here before and I want to make this very clear, the Left does not speak for me and mine and our family makes just around $25,000.00 a year.

    We cannot afford medical insurance and do not want another to pay for our children. Until the Left begins to spout their agenda, I never even think that we are really poor.

    I am sick and tired of their agenda, and it is clear that they do not really want to help as much as they wish to create plantations for the 21st century.

    It is time for America to stop all the federal programs. Each and every one!

  4. ++


    [This (embryonic) stem cell ad with children did not honestly represent the issue and said that the Republican opposed all stem cell research. This was not true. It was just embryonic stem cell research, killing embryos, that the Congressman opposed.]

    some may call this splitting hairs, but i think there's a huge difference between personally or morally opposing embryonic stem cell research vs FEDERAL FUNDING OF EMBRYONIC RESEARCH.. which is what Bush has stated many a time.. he doesn't believe it should be funded by the Government.. private funding is another story..

    ps: embryonic stem cell research has been going on for decades with no positive results..


  5. Cheer up, Jennifer!

    Haven't you noticed a change in the last eight years?

    In case you haven't the change is that the MSM is no longer the gatekeepers of information. One by one the LLL's and their Democratic party allies have brought up "scandals" and other propaganda that 40 years ago would have worked, but now they all silently go away after a few days because no one is buying them.

    Same thing goes for the other LLL propaganda wing in Hollywierd.They have been trying to drive the LLL agenda and all it is doing is driving the whole entertainment business into the ground. Movies are not earning back the costs to make them and television is hemorrhaging viewers.

    Why is this happening? Because the rise of the internet and the greater availability and usage of computers. It is happening because of blogs like GP, LGF, Instapundit, etc.; people like Rush, Michelle Malkin and entities like talk radio and Fox news. People are finding out the truth despite the best efforts of the LLL propaganda wing and aren't buying it anymore.
