Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Dem Congress Sets Record-- Drops To Single Digits In Approval Rating

Power Line Forum and Rasmussen Reports has this historic news today:

The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category.
Worst. Congress. Ever.

UPDATE: Christopher brings up a good point:

What has the democrats given us over these past years?

--rabid support for defeat and surrender in Iraq,
--countless baseless impeachment votes against Bush (because they are trying to get -even- about Clinton)
--sending sitting officals going overseas to commit TREASON over and over again to undermine the sitting President and giving the USA a bad image.
Don't forget that they watched gas prices triple in the last two years since taking over.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Worst ever approal and 90% will be re-elected.

    Go figure...

  2. "Worst ever approal and 90% will be re-elected"...

    Good point!

    Look at how many people think their Senator or their Representative is on the shinning path but all the rest of them are greedy swine...

    I still wonder how the people in Taxachusetts, New York, or California can look at themselves in the mirror and not cringe at what they are foisting off on the rest of the country...

  3. ++

    OT.. albeit related to Congress:

    HT : Batman via ITM

    Anti-Sharia for Congress


    [FP: What do you think it says about Islam that non-Muslims cannot enjoy the same freedoms in Muslim nations as Muslims enjoy in America and the West – and many countries around the world?

    Kumar: This is proof of the legal inequalities that are built into Sharia law. Sharia is a set of laws designed to apply not just to Mulsims, but to non-Muslims as well. Everyone, believer and kafir alike, is supposed to live a life based upon Mohammed. However, kafirs – those who do not believe – are given distinctly different treatment than believers.

    In America, we believe that all human beings are created equal, and that all human beings possess certain natural rights; our entire Constitution is just a logical extension of that one idea. To us, Muslims are humans just like everyone else, and therefore they should have the same legal rights as everyone else. Sharia law, on the other hand, is not based on logic or a belief in natural equality. It is based on religious customs, and part of its design is to elevate believers over non-believers.

    Yet, we never bring up this inequality and lack of freedom under Muslim rule. We never point out Islam’s long history of destroying or oppressing other cultures. We never remember the suffering of non-Muslims in Muslim nations. We never teach that Turkey was once Christian, or that Islamic jihad has reduced Hindustani culture to half of what it once was. Muslim groups often like to point to Christians as aggressors, citing the Crusades of the Dark Ages, but the West remains silent about people being oppressed in the Middle East today, right now.]

    been preaching this for the past several years now..

    ie: The Muslim Brotherhood "Project"

    AQ et al is the militaristic arm of TMB..

    lots more here..

    how far behind are we?? gah!!

    Go Vijay!!


  4. Thank YOU bg for that very timely (at least for me) link to Vijay Kumar...

    "From 1977 to 1979 I witnessed, firsthand, the radical transformation of Iran from a modern nation to a repressed, fundamentalist state and it left a lasting impression on me. I suppose you could say that my anti-Sharia views began there"...

    Will the libtards learn from this man?

    Good catch lady!

    Get some Vijay!

    Well maybe its time for the Dems to employ what they hope will be their new mind control methods (h/t Instapundit) to bolster their sagging support...

    Just kidding of course but with socialists like the Dems, well one never knows just how far they'll go...

  5. ++

    WOAH!! (thumbsup)

    FP: Why do you think there is such a silence in the West about Muslim tyranny? Why do you think the Left refuses to stand up for those who suffer under Islamic despotism?

    Kumar: The Left and Islam share many of the same values. Both deny that individuals have a personal ethic. A central authority should control all things. Both insult and denigrate their opponents and see themselves as victors in the movement of history. Both hate the native cultures and individual efforts.

    The mindset of the Leftist is one of deliberate ignorance. I was a Leftist, a bleeding heart liberal until a few years ago. I came from a Marxist family in India. The Left, by its silence on the issue of radical Islam, has betrayed its own professed ideals, if it has any.

    The fight against Political Islam should have been led by the liberal intellectuals in our universities, but instead they deliberately and systematically support a seventh century totalitarian ideology that negates all forms of rational thinking, intellectual pursuit, and pluralism - the very ideals which are supposed to be central to the philosophy of the Left.

    The Liberals have become the lackeys of Islamic imperialism in their words and deeds. They fail to mention the 1,400 years of Jihadists' terror in this world. How can we cry for the genocide in Darfur and ignore the cause?

    The media only has a concern for white oppression and white evil. If the source of evil is non-white and non-Christian, they don’t care. Our Leftist media is forcing us to fight this ideological struggle with both hands tied behind our backs. To them, saying anything negative about other countries or cultures is not telling the truth, it is racism. To them, portraying America’s values and accomplishments in a positive light is propaganda – and God forbid they indulge in anything so base as pro-American propaganda.

    Another aspect of Leftist thought is that there is no absolute morality. Everything is relative, every kind of behavior and belief should be tolerated, and therefore the American system isn’t better than any other. How can we engage in a battle of ideologies when you see all ways of life – even those that preach an end to tolerance and an end to intellectual freedom – as acceptable? And as we can see in the Obama campaign, you can talk about change as long as you serve the same menu of old ideas with a new smile.

    We cannot see what we do not understand. Our education system is bankrupt at all levels. Our universities do not prepare our young minds to see anything bad about Islam. Here in Nashville at Vanderbilt University you can get a degree in Islamic Studies and never read the life of Mohammed—and never read the entire Koran. You study Sufi poetry, Islamic art and Islamic history viewed as a glorious triumph. No kafirs suffer in this program and there is no history of Jew, Christian, Hindu or Buddhist suffering under Islamic rule for the past 1,400 years. A graduate from this program then goes out into the world professionally trained to be an apologist for Islam, a dhimmi. And this program is standard at all schools, not just Vanderbilt.

    All of our textbooks teach a CAIR approved history and doctrine of Islam. All of the young minds are trained to never see any wrong in Islam and to blame all the faults of Islam on us.]



  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I'd like to know who those 9% are. I didn't know Reid and Pelosi had that many relatives.

  7. what has the democrats given us over these past years?

    rabid support for defeat and surrender in Iraq, countless baseless impeachment votes against Bush (because they are trying to get -even- about Clinton), and having our sitting officals going overseas to commit TREASON over and over again - undermining the sitting President and giving the USA a bad image.

    These people are self-serving scum, not once have they actually ever made anyones life better. NEVER!

  8. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Ya'll missed the funniest part,both Dems and Repubs chose a Presidential candidate from this most unpopular Congress of all time.

    M. Wilcox
