Friday, July 11, 2008

Finally- Democrats Offer Solution to High Gas Prices-- Take the Bus!

Finally, Democrats offer a solution to high gas prices...

...Take the bus!

Yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave her weekly press conference where she famously attacked Rebpublicans saying:

"Drilling is a hoax! It's an absolute hoax!"
In case you missed the video, here it is:
(16 seconds)

Over the past 30 years:

Democrats have blocked the development of new sources of petroleum.
Democrats have blocked drilling in ANWR.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the coast of Florida.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the east coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the west coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the Alaskan coast.
Democrats have blocked building oil refineries.
Democrats have blocked clean nuclear energy production.
Democrats have blocked clean coal production.

Over the past 30 years Democrats have effectively created "No Zones" for US energy exploration and development.
Yet, Speaker Pelosi has the nerve to say that "Drilling is a hoax!"

So what is the Democratic solution?
According to Speaker Pelosi yesterday, it's mass transit.
That's right!... Democrats want you all to take the Pelosi bus to work today.
Here's a major plank of the Democratic energy plan:

Reducing Transit Fares (H.R. 6052)
Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act

On June 26, the House passed the Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act, H.R. 6052. The bill gives grants to mass transit authorities to reduce public transit fares giving consumers a cost-effective alternative to $4 per gallon gasoline. The bill’s $1.7 billion in mass transit grants for the next two years could also be used to expand transit services and for the escalating operating costs of public transportation and would be available to both rural and urban areas.

The bill also:

** Requires that all Federal agencies offer their employees transit pass transportation fringe benefits. Right now, federal agencies within the National Capital Region have successful transit pass benefits programs.
** Increases the Federal cost-share of grants for construction of additional parking facilities at the end of subway lines from 80 to 100 percent to cover an increase in the number of people taking mass transit.
** Creates a pilot program for vanpool demonstration projects in urban and rural areas.
** Increases federal help for local governments to purchase alternative fuel buses, locomotives and ferries from 90 to 100 percent.
That's right!...
Democrats thought long and hard about the current gas crisis and decided that the best thing to do... was for you to take the bus.

This is the same politician that needs a military plane nearly the size of Air Force One for her travel to and from Washington, D.C. and California.

More... Mass transit is for the little people.

UPDATE: Bush urged Democrats to allow oil drilling in offshore waters and in the Alaskan wildlife refuge as oil rose to a new record high above $147 a barrel.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Sure like urbanite NYC's Go Greenie snobs are going to ride the very public buses they would not be caught dead seen riding.

    Seriously people could anyone imagine Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, Whoopie Goldberg, Madonna, Maureen Dowd, Katie Couric, Matt Lauer...all these whiny women riding a public bus.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      That's hilarious !

  2. This is the same politician that needs a military plane nearly the size of Air Force One for her travel to and from Washington, D.C. and California.

    Another version of this from the oh so bleu state of Massachusetts (via Instapundit).

    MBTA boss touts T but takes SUV

    Too bad the Obamamessiah, Queen Nancy, Harry "The Corrupt Commissioner" Reid and the rest of the Democrats never learned anything from history. The attitudes they display are ones that have led to revolutions, not the Marxist/Totalitarian kind they desperately desire but ones where people like them end up on the business end of one of these.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Yeah, I'll take the bus everyday right behind, "I need a bigger jet," Pelosi.
    Actually, I do take mass transit. They don't and it's not the "NYC go greenie snobs," on the subways. It's the rest of us.
    They talk a good game but they are the biggest energy hogs in the country. Just look at Gore's house compared to Bush's ranch. They just want to lecture the rest of us. Well, all that hot air is contributing to "global warming."
    Walk the talk.

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Obamarx '08!
    Nomen est omen!
    Hypocrisy is thy name.
    The DNC is no alpha or omega.

    There is no beginning. He fails his Constitutional responsibility to provide his unaltered certificate of live birth for all to inspect.

    There will be no end. Once you step into the Obamarx Bog of Stench, it never comes off.

    Nancy's hypocrisy knows no bounds. The marxist elites' wings must be clipped.

    No green splitpea-brainsoup for me, if you please.

    maverick muse

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Has there ever been a worse Speaker of the House than Nancy Pelosi. Has there ever been a Speaker with a lower IQ than Pelosi?

    Fly 5000 miles to talk w Thug Assad Junior, but refuse to talk w Uribe or Petraeus when they are already in DC.

    I have to agree w Cindy Sheehan on this one, albeit for different reasons.

  6. I wonder if the Obamination Express is taking passengers above the wheel wells.

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    This seems pretty gloomy .. The EPA’s Blueprint for Disaster

  8. Marie Antoinette is reputed to say "Let them eat cake" and Fancy Nancy Peelosi says "Let them take the Bus." These are both the comments of two out of touch, stupid dingbats.

  9. The bus doesn't stop at my rural feedlot. It never will. I guess farmers and ranchers are flyover peons. Maybe we are just too stupid to move to the big city so we can ride the bus.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I’d say you’re lucky

    2. Anonymous6:03 AM


  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Ugh, while NanNan, Harry "we lost the war reid" and all the other crazed Dems waste space, American kids are being trained to hate our country...

    ot: ht: Atlas Shrugs...

    Brainwashing American Children

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "drilling is a hoax"
    It boggles the mind to hear the second in line to the presidency spew such amazing nonsense. The Marxist agenda is now revealed for all to see.

    There is at least a hundred years of oil/gas supplies that we know of, even with the growth of China and India. The world is producing below the nominal supply point. Between what we could drill on and offshore America with what the Brazillians just found and shale/tar sands, I cannot understand how anyone can say it will not bring things back into balance.

  12. To be honest, blocking the drilling off the coast of Florida and California has been done by Republicans as well. GWB's brother, Jeb Bush fought drilling vociferously.

    And, John McCain himself has fought against drilling the ANWR.

    I'm not saying that bashing the Democrats for blocking drilling is not deserved; it is. However, let's be honest and admit that both parties have screwed us into this state.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Don't feel bad about calling out the Republicans they are as guilty as Democrats we will see that they are behind the Democrats policies as well.

  13. I'm not saying that bashing the Democrats for blocking drilling is not deserved; it is. However, let's be honest and admit that both parties have screwed us into this state.

    I agree.


    At least one party realizes that despite everyone's desires to have pristine vistas one must face the harsh reality of the times and the times dictate that we produce more energy domestically. I will give you a hint-it isn't the Democrats.

    You know, people have been working on "alterative energy resources" for decades and there is no lack for trying to come up with the "perfect" one. I do not buy the Democrats BS that we need to constantly "subsidize" research into them, either. Wanna know why? Because if you want them to develop quickly let the market take care of it! The person (or persons) who do come up with it will make Gates and Jobs look like paupers. Leaving it in the hands of those musty old college types will guarantee it will never get done because once it is done they are out of a job because the feds or their schools will own the rights to it.

  14. Hey, Pelosi!

    Ride the bus yourself,Beeeotch. And take a backseat while you're at it. Take your whining pal, Harry, with you.

    There is nothing that enrages me more than these two idiots.

    Public transportation?! There isn't any where I live, and there won't be for decades. Pelosi knows this. What she's doing is flipping the bird at all of us in the dreadful "flyover states". That's the message.

    What else could we expect? We're the knuckle-dragging neanderthals who constantly prevent them from turning this nation into a socialist nightmare.

    Oh well, the country is on fire and Nancy says, "Take the bus". Fiddle, fiddle....

  15. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Official Donk theme music:

  16. Anonymous9:50 AM

    How does that help:

    1) A woman who has to work late and take the bus alone with a bunch of scary thugs eyeing her. Or heck, any white woman who has to take the bus in a town like Baltimore at any time?

    2) People who live in small towns?

    3) People who live in rural areas?

    Thanks, Marie Antoinette Pelosi. I believe Louis XVI had higher approval ratings on the day he was beheaded than your Congress does right now.

  17. Anonymous9:57 AM

    A Republican - I'll even take a RINO, needs to ask Pelosi if as she states, increased supply with not solve our problem, then why does she want to take oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve in order to increase supply.

    Her constituents may all be idiot morons, and that's all she needs ever two years, but does she really think the rest of the Country is not watching.

    9% approval rating and going down.

  18. If I ma I would like to recommended an investment opportunity for all of you. It might prove very lucrative in the coming months.

    Invest in companies that make torches, pitchforks, baseball bats and rope. I am beginning to think there might be a great demand for them.

  19. Nahanni,

    I'm thinking that a popular rebellion is in the works as well.

    My thoughts are dumping massive amounts of tea in the Senate as well as a citizens tax strike.

    We can call congress forever and melt down the phone system, but a tax strike might be more effective. Worried about jail and fines? I think not. If illegal aliens are not arrested, deported or fined, it's unlikely that they can manage to do anything to taxpaying US citizens.


  20. I hate to knock the American people since that's the libs specialty, but any nation so fanatically stupid as to keep people like Pelosi, Reid and Murtha in power is getting what it has richly earned. A nation that chooses to be led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi is begging for, even demanding, failure. If we're too dumb, ignorant and propagandized (and, sadly, I think we are) to figure that out, then we're toast. I hope the next election proves me wrong but I doubt it will.

  21. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I think Gateway Pundit seriously underestimated the ridiculousness of Pelosi's pronouncements.

    1) "Democrats want you all to take the Pelosi bus to work today."

    No. Pelosi's FIRST bullet item says: "Requires that all Federal agencies offer their employees transit pass transportation fringe benefits."

    Pelosi wants YOU to pay for federal workers' bus rides! Just another perk for the Dems' base of federal bureacrats.

    2) Her opening statement says: "The bill gives grants to mass transit authorities to reduce public transit fares..."

    This is nothing more than a dressed-up block grant. (Note also the MTBA article stating that fare must GO UP ...he must not have gotten the memo).

    So there's nothing in here about helping ME ride mass transit. Not a thing.

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Darn: I forgot the best part.

    It's been a long-running scandal in D.C. that federal employees SELL their transit tokens.

  23. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I think a bill requiring all Senators and Congressman to turn in their taxpayer funded cars and use only public transportation or pay for their own transportation would end this foolishness within hours.

    Posted by pagar

  24. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The only hoax involved here is two-fold:
    -Nancy Pelosi has a brain.
    -Nancy Pelosi has the interests of commoners in mind at all times.

    Dumber than a post, proud of it and too wealthy to be injured by any nostrums she prescribes for her inferiors.

  25. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "The bus doesn't stop at my rural feedlot. It never will. I guess farmers and ranchers are flyover peons. Maybe we are just too stupid to move to the big city so we can ride the bus."

    This is what disgusts me most about Go Greenie Snobs, they're mostly urbanites with cars who have no understanding about life outsdie their protected bubble; they think rural is like the Hamptons or Aspen.

  26. Anonymous2:58 PM


    I agree it is both parties fault as well. There is a time to be practical and that is long overdue.

    At least McCain is for opening up all offshore drilling now. This will not only burst the speculative bubble, but will bring in added tax revenue to all the states, add jobs and more revenue as well. Plus it will divert billions from the Middle East.

    The Democrats are being entirely unreasonable. I'm all for alternative solutions, but it will take us another 25-50 years before large dents are made in the population considering the number of cars tht must be replaced.

    BTW, Russia is expected to be the largest car buying market this year or next. They have vast amounts of oil, they subsidize gasoline prices and their leaders can care less about Americans, Europeans or the world.

    With Russia leading, then China, India, demand will only increase. We have no choice but to open up American oil drilling as a way to transition ourselves off oil in the future.

    Smith Electric was supposed to open up a production plant for 10,000 trucks a year. It has now faltered because it cannot keep up with parts. That's pathetic. It shows you how difficult it is to produce 10,000 trucks a year, much less 5 million.

    It will be decades before they can begin replacing ICE engines with hybrids and all electrics as a fast enough rate to reduce demand substantially to overcome the additional cars in new markets of Russia, China and India.

    Another valid reason to open up our oil resources is to offset any disruption or spikes by the coming Iranian showdown with the world.

  27. Hmmm, I think Pelosi and her fellow travelers should sit at the feet of the Rice Girl for some modern day wisdom they can absorb...

  28. Try to get a message to Pelosi or anyone but your congressman. They've insulated themselves from the entire nation as far as feedback is concerned. We should push a law that any position that deals with the nation as a whole has to be open to the nation for communications. Specifically the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority leader. If they were woken up then we wouldn't feel that Jefferson was right when he said the revolution would never end.

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Eighty five percent of republicans, over the past twenty years have been for drilling, nuke power, more refineries whereas eighty three percent of dems have been against all drilling, refineries, nuke power during that same period. So, yes there is a big difference in the parties, and the fact that John McCain is one of the repub fifteen percent is not enough to shift the onus from the democraps for the energy crisis.

  30. Let's face it, Pelosi is an idiot!

  31. Gladiator7:46 PM

    I will ride the bus with Nancy any day. Just make her sit at the back for being a white supremacist

  32. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I DO take the bus!! Do you have any idea what a pain in the ass it is?! Between the infrequency of the scheduling, sometimes missing a bus, and having to walk (buses Don't go Everywhere), I have to leave at 6:30 in the morning to get to a 9:00 doctor's appointment and I don't get home till 11:00 ‼️

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Yeah I am sorry for you Anonymous🥵 this is not Nancy by the way

  34. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Try catching a bus in southeast Missouri, Arkensas or any other Rural area. No busses, no cabs a few Ubers and the Sr and handicap transit system. No car! Then you walk or ride a bike. I don't think these Farmers are going to be plowing the fields that your food is growing in with a bus either. They are idiots who have no idea how the real world lives.
