Seer Spike LeeHalleluiah!
On "The One"
Spike Lee is playing the role of John the Baptist in a real life epic.
Sweetness and Light and the AP reported:
Lee predicted Obama would be elected in November.
"When that happens, it will change everything... You’ll have to measure time by `Before Obama’ and `After Obama,’" Lee said during the panel. "It’s an exciting time to be alive now."
The presidency of the first African-American will ripple throughout arts, sports and more, said Lee, whose films include "Malcolm X" and "Do the Right Thing."
"Everything’s going to be affected by this seismic change in the universe," he said…
Here's another picture of the holy one from American Thinker.
"Everything’s going to be affected by this seismic change in the universe"
ReplyDeleteNow I agree with this statement, but probably not for the same reasons as Mr Lee.
I can't think of a POTUS , going back about a century, that didn't have not just detractors, but haters.
Whether it's John McCain or Barry Obama as POTUS, they will be hated. A President Obama will give everybody, of all races, an opportunity to hate a black man just because he is the POTUS. Race will have little to do with it. For people of all races and nationalities, this will be different, but I have this feeling that Black America won't enjoy it too much.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I recommend we now adopt a new calendar in honor of the event. We can designate before Obama as BDA and after as ADA. What do they stand for? Well the first "B" and "A" stand for BEFORE and AFTER, respectively. But then for the "DA" you have your choice of either...
Oh, and wasn't it the emperors who claimed to be divine who did all the misching with the calendar to begin with?
Having is not so pleasing as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. -— Spock to T’Pring in Amok Time
ReplyDeleteSpike, like much (if not all) of the black community have terribly high expectations of an Obama presidency. It's actually another form of the 'victim' mentality.
ReplyDeleteINOW, Obama will make everything different.... people will respect me...we'll get more entitlements (probably true)....we can spit in Whitey's face with impunity..... we'll really be somethin!.
Spike, of course, is thinking about money, i.e. lining his pockets with films that might garner a larger audience. Personally, I think the opposite is true.
Obama, if president, will enrage the black populace because it will be then that they realize he is half white and more white than black. If the Obamas ever reach the White House, Michelle might learn proper English and stop refering to the royal couple as, "Meeeeee.... and Barak....." and as elegantly as possibly refer to the newly anointed as, "Barak and I". Perhaps not.
I live in a state that is 50% black, and the general feeling is that an Obama presidency is the "Get Whitey" moment. They can't wait. In fact, the expectation of an Obama presidency is already playing out in daily attitudes which are worse than the usual "tudes".
Frankly, whether Obama wins or not there will be some form of hell to pay where I live.
ReplyDeleteI would sum it up as "Whether Obama wins or looses, America has already lost." The question is now how bad the damage will be and how long it will take to recover from it.
@anon 12:05
ReplyDeleteYou're right. The US will lose.
The societal consequences pale in comparison to: national security, cuts in military spending, increased taxation, lack of initiative in energy policy and hence, further economic woes.
The last election concerned me. Kerry was simply, well, ridiculous. Obama is a terrifying choice particularly because it's combined with a Dem congress.
My view is that the Dems like Pelosi, Reid and others like Soros, Lewis, etc. want Obama badly - because he can be controlled by them. So, if Obama wins, the question in my mind is simply this: who the hell is actually going to run the country? It sure as hell won't be Obama.
"My view is that the Dems like Pelosi, Reid and others like Soros, Lewis, etc. want Obama badly - because he can be controlled by them." (Emma)
ReplyDeleteYeah. That's if he wins. But if he looses, there will be negative consequences as well.
Either way, it won't be good, though I think it will be much better if he looses. (Assuming McCain is even just a little bit up to the task)
I'm beginning to think that when Spike Lee was a child he wasn't beaten often enough and hard enough for uttering truly stupid statements in public...
ReplyDeleteWell, if Obama becomes President, the church ministers stating hurricanes, tornadoes, and such are punishment for Americans committing sins against God will be changing some notes in their tune and stating Obama is punishment for Americans committing sins against God.
ReplyDelete"seismic change in the universe"?
ReplyDeletethat makes, like, zero sense on its' face
"When that happens, it will change everything... You’ll have to measure time by `Before Obama’ and `After Obama.’ - Spike Lee
ReplyDeleteAll cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.
First of all spike lee is an Anti American making a statement about another Anti American ,"obama"